There is one more thing: due to folderchanges in MP 1.1.0 ALPHA the skin folders are now in %configdir%\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skins and no longer under Programs\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skins !!!
I am using Mediaportal v1.0.2.0 (have to edit my signature).
Du you mean the C:\Users\All Users\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\ (Vista)?? on this path i found a folder named "Mediaportal". but there is no subfolder "skins".
the plugins always install themself in the Basic-skin folders (blue3 and blue3wide)
so if using an other skin - u have to copie that XML (if the skin does not support the plugin)
in the skin folder of the skin u are using ...
AND then (if the skin-developer does not made it) YOU have to fit the grafics at the right place
i thought streamedMP DOES support streamradio .....
strange ...
Is here no one who is using StreamedMP? but if you thing that this must be working i go on with asking google and the search funktion.
Greetz Schima