PowerScheduler++ test versions (4 Viewers)


Portal Member
April 15, 2009
Re: PowerScheduler++ Test Versions - for MP 1.2.0 Beta

I am at a bit of a loss with this one.
When i install the plugin it only installs the server plugin which shows in the tvserver configuration.
The client plugin Does not show in the plugins section in mediaportal configuration.


Portal Pro
April 22, 2011
Im Norden :)
Home Country
Germany Germany
AW: PowerScheduler++ Test Versions - for MP 1.2.0 Beta

this is quite strange... normally you will find the plugin at the bottom of the section... what does the extension-manager show? Is PS++ installed in there?

Would give you s screenshot - but actually I am testing something...


Portal Member
April 15, 2009
Re: PowerScheduler++ Test Versions - for MP 1.2.0 Beta

Screenshots attatched.


  • Screen1.JPG
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  • Screen2.JPG
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  • Screen3.JPG
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Portal Pro
November 30, 2008
Home Country
Germany Germany
AW: Re: PowerScheduler++ Test Versions - for MP 1.2.0 Beta

I think you have to activate "expert mode" in MP config tool to see all plugins.



Portal Pro
April 22, 2011
Im Norden :)
Home Country
Germany Germany
AW: PowerScheduler++ Test Versions - for MP 1.2.0 Beta

So... I did some testruns and attached the logs for them - hopefully the protocol I wrote is not too confusing :mad:

1st test:
Programming of Rec-Timer at approx 14:17 for a movie which will start at 14:30,
Rec will start 2min earlier (set as standard), Pre wake up is set via PS++ to 75sec with a check interval of 10sec.

After programming Timer system is set to S3 via top-bar-menu opened directly at approx. 14:19.

System should boot at 14:26:45 and start rec. at 14:28:00, Movie is starting at 14:30:00

System booted up at approx 14:27, seemed rec.-Timer is working, i am wondering!!
Record manually aborted at 14:42 - because this really was working!

--- No reboot - just exit fm MP, took look in the logs and changed TV-H.264-Codec, then restarted MP ---

2nd test:
Programming of Rec-Timer at approx 15:00 for a movie which will start at 15:15,
Rec will start 2min earlier (set as standard), Pre wake up is set via PS++ to 75sec with a check interval of 10sec.

After programming system set to S3 via remote (question:"go to sleep?") directly from Fullscreen-TV at approx. 15:03.

System should boot now at 15:11:45 and start rec. at 15:13:00, Movie is starting at 15:15:00

System booted up, I took a look at it at 15:17 - system was on but not recording (this error is "new" - normally system is just not booting / waking from S3 - a quick look into the log showed that there was no free card -> strange ^^)

--- manual stop of TV-Service, rebooting system ---
("FUNNY thing": System is recording fter this reboot the broadcast which was not started recording in Test 2 (?!?!))

3rd test (hardcore!):
Multiple recs of different broadcasts, time interval before always 2min + 75sec, booting fm S3, system ist set to automatic S3 after 5min being idle in homescreen.

This procedure has to be repeated now at least 2 times!

Timers set at approx 15:50:

1st timer: 16:00 (-3min15sec) until 16:15 (+5min rec + 5min idle to S3)

2nd timer: 16:30 (- 3m15sec) until 17:00 (+5min rec + 5min idle to S3)

--- switch to fullscreen, watching TV for 3min, S3 via remote (Sleep-question) at approx. 15:53 ---

System is NOT booting up for recording 1st timer!!!

At approx 16:10 I started a laptop which is connected to the network and where a MP Client is installed, so the system booted up from S3 (at approx 16:11) ONLY BECAUSE of client-start and started recording of broadcast 11min later - so beginning was missing!

System went not to S3 after rec of 1st Timer - maybe not enough idling-time, so system was still awake and recorded 2nd Timer and went to S3 after that.


See logs for all test-runs attached - I think the 3rd is most interesting because Timer programmed at
2011-08-26 15:49:55.789828 wasn`t activated / system was not booting from S3 for recording at 1600 (-3min, 15sec) and started recording instead at 2011-08-26 16:11:32.191126 [scheduler thread(10)]: card: StartRecording 2 D:\- - RECORDING - -\heute - in Europa - ZDF HD - 2011-08-26.ts.... when client on laptop woke it up :(


Portal Pro
April 22, 2011
Im Norden :)
Home Country
Germany Germany
AW: PowerScheduler++ Test Versions - for MP 1.2.0 Beta

Normally the client on laptop is NOT running!
All test-run-timers were set by single-seat (server/client-system) without any other client in the network.
Test 3: If client on laptop wouldn`t had woken up the Server, the recording wouldn´t had been started...


Portal Pro
April 22, 2011
Im Norden :)
Home Country
Germany Germany
AW: PowerScheduler++ Test Versions - for MP 1.2.0 Beta

Quite interesting... I took a look into the Windows Logs, it seems like the TVService.exe hasn´t been ended in a correct way while setting system into standby at the 3rd testrun - am I right if I am thinking that PS++ is programming it´s timers into the TVService.exe and/or this is responsible for waking up the system for a scheduled event like a Timer set via MP?

Maybe Andy107 could also take a look into his windows log files - i guess when his server is gioing to S4 after some idling time the TVService.exe was also not ended in a correct way (?).

Balle :cool:


  • WinLog Error Details.rar
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