.. i want let you know that the work on PM III is still in Progress.
You all know i have start for long time to port the PM III to MP. But the Problem was that mp could not start from Basichomescreen and for PM III we need that function. So i have stop the work on it. (..now we have that function ) antonyfirewalk has also for some time start to port the skin to mp .
Now we have put together ours Work and the skin will come out.
At the Moment we have 90 % finished , because antonyfirewalk has made the most xml´s for that ( great work ) and i have now put some Night´s of work in to make better fitting gfx for it . Nice Teamwork
i don´t know the original , so i can´t really compare.
i like the idea to seperate the "einstellungen" = settings from the normal menu.
i think the weather sreen is a real beauty.
the television screen has very many elements, i am a bit uncertain if it is not too much. but i like the progress-bar very much.
-> but Harley: the dvd player at the top of the tv screen, that is not how it should be, is it? That is certainly for the "video" screen?
Might become my default skin in the future. (But so many nice skins evolving at the moment)