PureVisionHD 1080 (7 Viewers)


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  • April 30, 2008
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    Wow! 4 years :eek: Congratulations!

    "Metro". You tease :D.

    Will be sure to check your posts tomorrow.




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  • August 13, 2007
    Königstein (Taunus)
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    AW: PureVisionHD (16:9)



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  • April 22, 2009
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    AW: PureVisionHD (16:9)

    Hi Catavolt,

    I have updated PVHD to the 4.9.-version to see if I can figure out anything about my problems with the BasicHomeEditor after a "clean" skin-update.

    First of all I get the BasicHomeEditor in the path C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal after the installation/update.
    It has 210kB and is dated from Monday, 17.January.2011, Version
    This is the version, that doesn't start and instead gives me the error-message :-(

    By not changing anything and using the layout "as is" after installation the error with the "small" screen display is gone.
    PVHD now shows the TV/Video overlay in the "big" screen on the right correctly as you explained in your answer.
    Furthermore an unmentioned issue I had in navigating around in the home menue also is gone!
    (With the altered layout I consistently got stuck in the home menue when using the "up" key when being in the upper menu fields. Now I always can navigate back to the menu-items when I accidentally got "outside" to the top-bar or the rss-field)

    So everything is OK with the default-layout :)

    When I now try to change the layout, I have to use the BasicHomeEditor from the aforementioned post.
    This version has 209kB as shown in the explorer (208kB as shown in properties) and dates from Friday, 24.June.2011.

    That version starts without an error-message, but as soon as I make only the slightest change in the layout, I have all the mentioned bugs back.
    For example if I simply add the "Play DVD" entry in an empty location in the TV oder Videos-section, the following happens:

    - new menu entry "Play-DVD" isn't selectable (doesn't highlight when navigated to and doesn't give any action when I press "Enter")

    - TV/Video overlay isn't shown anymore in the big display in the home menue, but in the additional small display above the big one

    - navigation in the home menue is completely broken and the "control-pictures" in the small display in the upper left of the home display behave very weirdly

    So apparently the BasicHomeEditor that I use either is not compatible with the "newer" versions of the PVHD or there is a flaw in the BasicHomeEditor (perhaps in conjunction with WinXP?)

    Do you have any idea or do I have to give up?

    Kind regards



    Design Group Manager
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  • August 13, 2007
    Königstein (Taunus)
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    AW: PureVisionHD (16:9)

    Hi Roger, after experimenting a while I found the two bugs.
    First, the template is wrong regarding the visibility of the played video/TV. The template.xml has <allowoverlay> set to "yes" where it should be set to "no". Fixed this.
    The other bug is not easy to fix.
    A newly inserted button (in your case "Play DVD") gets the ID 0 - obviously therefore it is not selectable. If I manually give it another ID (e.g. 1000), it works like expected.
    Have to discuss with Miguel about this ;)


    Portal Pro
    December 16, 2008
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    Hi catavolt,

    In the home-screen there is in blue letters "Plugins" next to the clock.

    It says always as "Plugins" and does not change. It is no Button. I cannot click it.

    So could you say for what it is...?


    Design Group Manager
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  • August 13, 2007
    Königstein (Taunus)
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    AW: PureVisionHD (16:9)

    So it seems that you are not using BasicHome - it´s the title for Home screen (which actually is plugins screen) ;)


    Retired Team Member
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  • April 22, 2009
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    AW: PureVisionHD (16:9)

    Hi Catavolt,

    I have another question/issue about navigation in the BaiscHome screen (deafault layout):

    no running file or tv-program, so the overlay-sreen on the right side of the homescreen is not shown.

    Step 1.) When I go to the leftmost menu-entry ("TV") then one steps downward to the sub-entry (again "TV") and then I go one step to the right (cursor "->" or remote "->") then the following happen:

    The blue "MP" sign in the upper left corner is shown.

    Step 2.) Going again one step to the right (cursor-key "->" or remote-key "->") the "Off"-button in the lower right of the Homescreen shows up.

    Step 3.) Now going one step to the left (cursor-key "<-" or remote-key "<-") the control-picture for "Frustration"-game (german game "Mensch-ärgere-Dich-nicht" picture) shows up in the left???

    Step 4.) Another step to the left (cursor-key "<-" or remote-key "<-") and the main-menu jumps to "Games" but the control-picture in the upper left is the blue "MP"-sign and the correct behaviour is restored.

    Alternative behaviour for Step 4):
    Step 4.) Another step to the right (cursor-key "->" or remote-key "->") and the control-picture in the upper left is the blue "MP"-sign.

    Step 5.) Now another step to the right and the "Off"-button appears again in the lower right?
    (Sometimes the main-menu instead jumps 2 steps to the right to the "Radio" menu-entry)

    Alternative behaviour for Step 5):
    Step 5.) Go downward (cursur-down key or remote down-key) and the control picture cycles through "RSS-Feeds" then blue "MP"-sign then back in "TV"/"TV" sub-menu

    A different behaviour happens, when a file is being played in the Homescreen and the overlay screen on the right sight is shown.

    Step 1.) as above (TV menu --> one step down to TV sub-menu --> one step to the right):

    The overlay screen gets highlighted!

    This behaviour is probably as intended, but it is the only way I get the overlay-sreen on the right side highlighted (from any submenu one step to the right).
    This is a little bit inconsistent. There should be perhaps another way to highlight the overlay-screen.

    Step 2.) Go one step to the left to get out of the highlighted overlay screen.
    Now the selected menu jumps either 2 (!) steps to rhe right to the "Music" main-menu or I am again ?
    It should instead jump back to the "TV" main-menu, where we came from.

    Alternative for Step 2.)
    Step 2.) Go to the highlighted overlay-screen as above and now go another step to the right.
    Now the "Off"-button in the lower right button is shown again.
    A step to the left and the "Frustation"-picture ist again shown in the upper left, while the main "TV"-menu entry is highlighted.
    Going down one step, the "RSS"-picture is shown.
    Getting out of this is only possible by 2 down-steps or 2 left-steps.

    If You confirm this behaviour, I would be interested if this behaviour is intended or if it is a bug?

    Kind regards



    Design Group Manager
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 13, 2007
    Königstein (Taunus)
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    AW: PureVisionHD (16:9)

    Sigh... It´s intended behaviour bug ;)
    With this kind of menu, navigation in MP reaches it´s frontiers - there´s nothing I can do atm to change this (or delete the buttons for touchscreen user).

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