you´ll find the logo for your RSS feed on the respective website from where you receive the RSS.
And please configure in the weather plugin a city to show in the weather info. The RSS plugin uses the weather information configured in the MP weather plugin.
Have you installed the rss plugin as described here:https://forum.team-mediaportal.com/purevision-258/new-skin-purevision-28714/index27.html#post315986
You may use any rss logo you like, e.g. the standard logo for all rss feeds. https://www.team-mediaportal.com/modules/mod_rd_rssfeed/images/feedicon_12.gif
I hope you have enabled weather in the setup of the plugin!!!!!
It works absolutely perfect for me and thousands of PureVision users .
Try to enable auto refresh. Don´t know if this helps, but I have it activated.
Maybe you should also clear the skin cache and restart MP.
If it still doesn´t work I don´t have more ideas to help you....
I even just installed the MP SVN and it works perfectly.
Great that your RSS and weather is working finally!!
The bug with the icons for onlinevideos is still pending for PureVisionHD. It works in PureVision 4:3, have to evaluate why not in PureVisionHD - please have a little patience with me. I´m working on the next release for PureVisionHD (from the screenshots you delivered I saw that you are using the PureVisionHD "reloaded") - this will be fixed soon.
Another hint for your RSS logo: If you open the RSS feed in your browser normally an icon is displayed anywhere on the website. Copy this logo into your RSS folder. If you open your folder ...\PureVisionHD\Media\RSS there are some logos named 1.png etc. Your logo should have approximately the size of those logos.