Reciever plugin (2 Viewers)


Portal Member
June 22, 2006
Home Country
Sweden Sweden
Hahah i was to anxious to try :D It works perfectly, great work. Switching is flawless.

Few comments:

- Because of the visual feedback show (changing volume is slower);
- Miss one input mode - TAPE;
- The last current input on the ddlb says Req. (this did nothing).
- Maybe handier to switch between zone 1 and 2 than to have separte controls (both use the same input and clogs up the GUI).

Will give it a full testdrive tomorrow :D


Will try to implement the Sony protocol aswell so I can get some more people to try this app out :).

Glad you like it!

That would be great. I will do my best to test it ;-)


I think I've got the basics going here. Please try it with the Sony recievers(just need to verify that I got the protocol formatting right). Right now only main zone power, mute and volume works. Just for your information.


-EDIT: Has fixed so I think you should have access to all the basic commands in the UI :). Please try it out.


Portal Member
February 4, 2007
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands


This looks like a great plugin! I have created a simple RPC server to control pioneer receivers and sony cx777es dvd changers. That is how I found out that the Pioneer rs232 protocol is really really easy.

I have attached the specs from pioneer. I would like to contribute to your plugin by making the Pioneer receivers work however I have not been able to find the source code.

Of course you can add it as well :)

In the mean time I will be developing an other plugin to give MP control over Sony DVD Changers.


Portal Member
June 22, 2006
Home Country
Sweden Sweden

This looks like a great plugin! I have created a simple RPC server to control pioneer receivers and sony cx777es dvd changers. That is how I found out that the Pioneer rs232 protocol is really really easy.

I have attached the specs from pioneer. I would like to contribute to your plugin by making the Pioneer receivers work however I have not been able to find the source code.

Of course you can add it as well :)

In the mean time I will be developing an other plugin to give MP control over Sony DVD Changers.

Cool, will try to add support for this in this week :). Will also extend the featureset a bit more(include more functions). Are you good at making MP UI's?



Portal Member
February 4, 2007
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
Cool, that would be great!

I have build the first prototype of the dvd changer plugin today which works.

Is it possible to send a message to your receiver module telling it to switch to the dvd channel for instance?

I am new to MP, I was an XBMC user so I have no experience with interface plugins (yet)


Portal Member
June 22, 2006
Home Country
Sweden Sweden
Cool, that would be great!

I have build the first prototype of the dvd changer plugin today which works.

Is it possible to send a message to your receiver module telling it to switch to the dvd channel for instance?

I am new to MP, I was an XBMC user so I have no experience with interface plugins (yet)

Sure, I can make a server if you want to that can change settings via i.e. XML commands, would that work ok for you? I will think a bit about how the architecture for this should/could look so that it's generic enough for anyone to make extension plugins.

I've done some on the interface plugin part but it's a lot trial n error now in the beginning so that's why I'm trying to find someone that's a bit more experienced ;).

/ Ola


Portal Member
February 4, 2007
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
Could we not do it by the internal MP messaging structure?

I do not have the code here available so I cannot look up the commands but it should be easy to register as the receiver of messages so other modules can send messages to your plugin.

I will take a look in the code for examples tonight.


Portal Member
June 22, 2006
Home Country
Sweden Sweden
Could we not do it by the internal MP messaging structure?

I do not have the code here available so I cannot look up the commands but it should be easy to register as the receiver of messages so other modules can send messages to your plugin.

I will take a look in the code for examples tonight.

Sure, sounds like a plan. I would like to get the volumeup/down actions from MP. I can only hope there is some command about that being sent in the MP messaging structure so that I can make a hookup.


Portal Member
June 22, 2006
Home Country
Sweden Sweden

This looks like a great plugin! I have created a simple RPC server to control pioneer receivers and sony cx777es dvd changers. That is how I found out that the Pioneer rs232 protocol is really really easy.

I have attached the specs from pioneer. I would like to contribute to your plugin by making the Pioneer receivers work however I have not been able to find the source code.

Of course you can add it as well :)

In the mean time I will be developing an other plugin to give MP control over Sony DVD Changers.

Try this out and tell me if it works out :).



Portal Member
February 4, 2007
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
TNT.RecieverConnector.RecieverException: No main inputmodes set
   at TNT.RecieverConnector.Reciever.get_MainInputModes()
   at RecieverPluginTestUI.Form1.Connect_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)TNT.RecieverConnector.RecieverException: No zone inputmodes set
   at TNT.RecieverConnector.Reciever.get_ZoneInputModes()
   at RecieverPluginTestUI.Form1.Connect_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)TNT.RecieverConnector.RecieverException: No surround modes set
   at TNT.RecieverConnector.Reciever.get_SurroundModes()
   at RecieverPluginTestUI.Form1.Connect_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)TNT.RecieverConnector.RecieverException: Not supported/implemented.
   at TNT.RecieverConnector.Reciever.get_AUDIO_SIGNAL_TYPE()
   at RecieverPluginTestUI.Form1.Connect_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)

It works, it sees the current volume levels (main and zone) and I can change them as well.

The "Current input" is greyed out, but that is probably not implemented yet?

great work!



Portal Member
February 4, 2007
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
..........Some where in the initialize............

			//Attach event listener
			GUIWindowManager.Receivers += new SendMessageHandler(OnThreadMessage);

..........end somewhere in the initialize................

		private void OnThreadMessage(GUIMessage message)
				case GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_TUNE_EXTERNAL_CHANNEL:
					int channelNum = int.Parse(message.Label);

Hereby the code for receiving messages from the MP kernel, I will look for a way to send these kind of messages so I can post a message to you plugin to change the channel on the selected receiver for instance.

By the way, not to be picky but it's Receiver, not Reciever ;-)

-- Edit:

I have not yet been able to find the correct GUI messages for volume management

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