2012-09-23 11:52:12.657791 [(28)]: Controller: StartTimeShifting Ketnet 2462
2012-09-23 11:52:12.657791 [(28)]: Controller: find free card for channel Ketnet
2012-09-23 11:52:12.657791 [(28)]: Controller: find card for channel Ketnet
2012-09-23 11:52:12.657791 [(28)]: Controller: got 1 tuning details for Ketnet
2012-09-23 11:52:12.657791 [(28)]: Controller: channel #1 DVBC:tv:Reggefiber Ketnet Freq:360000 ONID:5600 TSID:8 SID:831 PMT:0x1FE0 FTA:True LCN:31 SymbolRate:6875 Modulation:Mod64Qam
2012-09-23 11:52:12.657791 [(28)]: Controller: card:1 type:DvbIP cannot tune to channel
2012-09-23 11:52:12.657791 [(28)]: Controller: card:10 type:DvbT is disabled
2012-09-23 11:52:12.657791 [(28)]: Controller: card:11 type:DvbT is disabled
2012-09-23 11:52:12.657791 [(28)]: Controller: card:6 type:DvbT cannot tune to channel
2012-09-23 11:52:12.657791 [(28)]: Controller: card:2 type:DvbC can tune to channel
2012-09-23 11:52:12.657791 [(28)]: Controller: card:2 type:DvbC users: 0
2012-09-23 11:52:12.657791 [(28)]: Controller: card:3 type:DvbC can tune to channel
2012-09-23 11:52:12.657791 [(28)]: Controller: card:3 type:DvbC users: 0
2012-09-23 11:52:12.657791 [(28)]: Controller: card:12 type:Analog cannot tune to channel
2012-09-23 11:52:12.657791 [(28)]: Controller: card:13 type:Analog cannot tune to channel
2012-09-23 11:52:12.657791 [(28)]: Controller: card:9 type:RadioWebStream cannot tune to channel
2012-09-23 11:52:12.657791 [(28)]: Controller: found 2 card(s) for channel
2012-09-23 11:52:12.657791 [(28)]: AdvancedCardAllocation.GetAvailableCardsForChannel took 5 msec
2012-09-23 11:52:12.657791 [(28)]: Controller: card:2 type:DvbC is available
2012-09-23 11:52:12.657791 [(28)]: Controller: card:3 type:DvbC is available
2012-09-23 11:52:12.657791 [(28)]: Controller: found 2 free card(s)
2012-09-23 11:52:12.657791 [(28)]: AdvancedCardAllocation.GetFreeCardsForChannel took 7 msec
2012-09-23 11:52:12.657791 [(28)]: Controller: try max 2 of 2 cards for timeshifting
2012-09-23 11:52:12.657791 [(28)]: card: CardTune 2 Ketnet setuptv:2:-1
2012-09-23 11:52:12.657791 [(28)]: card: Tune 2 to Ketnet
2012-09-23 11:52:12.657791 [(28)]: card: user: setuptv:2:-1 tune DVBC:tv:Reggefiber Ketnet Freq:360000 ONID:5600 TSID:8 SID:831 PMT:0x1FE0 FTA:True LCN:31 SymbolRate:6875 Modulation:Mod64Qam
2012-09-23 11:52:12.673391 [(28)]: TimeShifter.OnBeforeTune: resetting audio/video events
2012-09-23 11:52:12.673391 [(28)]: dvbc: Tune:DVBC:tv:Reggefiber Ketnet Freq:360000 ONID:5600 TSID:8 SID:831 PMT:0x1FE0 FTA:True LCN:31 SymbolRate:6875 Modulation:Mod64Qam
2012-09-23 11:52:12.673391 [(28)]: dvb:Submiting tunerequest Channel:Ketnet subChannel:-1
2012-09-23 11:52:12.673391 [(28)]: dvb:Getting new subchannel
2012-09-23 11:52:12.673391 [(28)]: dvb:GetNewSubChannel:0 #0
2012-09-23 11:52:12.673391 [(28)]: TvDvbChannel ctor new subchIndex:0
2012-09-23 11:52:12.673391 [(28)]: dvb:Submit tunerequest size:1 new:0
2012-09-23 11:52:12.673391 [(28)]: subch:0 OnBeforeTune
2012-09-23 11:52:12.673391 [(28)]: dvb:Submit tunerequest calling put_TuneRequest
2012-09-23 11:52:12.673391 [(28)]: dvb:Submit tunerequest done calling put_TuneRequest
2012-09-23 11:52:12.673391 [(28)]: subch:0 OnAfterTune
2012-09-23 11:52:12.673391 [(28)]: RunGraph
2012-09-23 11:52:12.673391 [(28)]: subch:0 OnGraphStart
2012-09-23 11:52:12.673391 [(28)]: dvb: RunGraph
2012-09-23 11:52:13.188191 [(28)]: dvb: LockedInOnSignal ok
2012-09-23 11:52:13.188191 [(28)]: subch:0 OnGraphStarted
2012-09-23 11:52:13.188191 [(28)]: subch:0 SetupPmtGrabber:pid 1FE0 sid:33F
2012-09-23 11:52:13.188191 [(28)]: subch:0 set pmt grabber pmt:1FE0 sid:33F
2012-09-23 11:52:13.188191 [(28)]: TimeShifter.OnAfterTune: resetting audio/video time
2012-09-23 11:52:13.188191 [(28)]: WaitForPMT: Waiting for PMT 1FE0
2012-09-23 11:52:13.281791 [(22)]: subch:0 OnPMTReceived() pmt:1FE0 ran:True dynamic:False
2012-09-23 11:52:13.281791 [(28)]: WaitForPMT: Found PMT after 0.0936 seconds.
2012-09-23 11:52:13.281791 [(28)]: subch:0 SendPmt:33F 33F FFFFFFFF F
2012-09-23 11:52:13.281791 [(28)]: Decode pmt
2012-09-23 11:52:13.297391 [(28)]: Set descriptor data with length 6
2012-09-23 11:52:13.297391 [(28)]: subch:0 SendPMT: Channel is FTA, nothing to do.
2012-09-23 11:52:13.297391 [(28)]: subch:0 SetMpegPidMapping
2012-09-23 11:52:13.297391 [(28)]: subch:0 pid:1FFF pcr
2012-09-23 11:52:13.297391 [(28)]: subch:0 pid:1FE0 pmt
2012-09-23 11:52:13.297391 [(28)]: subch:0 pid:1FE1 video type:MPEG-2
2012-09-23 11:52:13.297391 [(28)]: subch:0 map pid:1FE1 video type:MPEG-2
2012-09-23 11:52:13.297391 [(28)]: subch:0 pid:1FE2 audio lang:ger type:MPEG-1
2012-09-23 11:52:13.297391 [(28)]: subch:0 map pid:1FE2 audio lang:ger type:MPEG-1
2012-09-23 11:52:13.297391 [(28)]: subch:0 stop tif
2012-09-23 11:52:13.297391 [(28)]: WaitForPmt: PMT handling took 0.0156 seconds.
2012-09-23 11:52:13.297391 [(28)]: card: Tuner locked: True
2012-09-23 11:52:13.297391 [(28)]: **************************************************
2012-09-23 11:52:13.297391 [(28)]: ***** SIGNAL LEVEL: 100, SIGNAL QUALITY: 100 *****
2012-09-23 11:52:13.297391 [(28)]: **************************************************
2012-09-23 11:52:13.297391 [(28)]: card: tuned user: setuptv subchannel: 0
2012-09-23 11:52:13.297391 [(28)]: user:setuptv add
2012-09-23 11:52:13.297391 [(28)]: card2:setuptv 2 0
2012-09-23 11:52:13.297391 [(28)]: Controller: setuptv 2 0
2012-09-23 11:52:13.297391 [(28)]: control2:setuptv 2 0
2012-09-23 11:52:13.297391 [(28)]: Controller: delete timeshift files D:\recorded tv\TimeShift\live2-0.ts
2012-09-23 11:52:13.297391 [(28)]: card: StartTimeShifting 2 D:\recorded tv\TimeShift\live2-0.ts
2012-09-23 11:52:13.297391 [(28)]: card: CAM enabled : False
2012-09-23 11:52:13.297391 [(28)]: subch:0 SetTimeShiftFileName:D:\recorded tv\TimeShift\live2-0.ts
2012-09-23 11:52:13.297391 [(28)]: Set video / audio observer
2012-09-23 11:52:13.297391 [(28)]: subch:0 SetTimeShiftFileName fill in pids
2012-09-23 11:52:13.297391 [(28)]: subch:0-0 tswriter StartTimeshifting...
2012-09-23 11:52:13.297391 [(28)]: card: WaitForTimeShiftFile - waiting _eventAudio & _eventVideo
2012-09-23 11:52:13.312991 [(22)]: PID seen - type = Audio
2012-09-23 11:52:13.312991 [(22)]: audioVideoEventHandler Audio
2012-09-23 11:52:13.609391 [(22)]: PID seen - type = Video
2012-09-23 11:52:13.609391 [(22)]: audioVideoEventHandler Video
2012-09-23 11:52:13.609391 [(28)]: card: WaitForTimeShiftFile - video and audio are seen after 0.312 seconds
2012-09-23 11:52:13.609391 [(28)]: user:setuptv card:2 sub:0 add stream:D:\recorded tv\TimeShift\live2-0.ts.tsbuffer
2012-09-23 11:52:13.609391 [(28)]: RTSP: add stream stream2.0 file:D:\recorded tv\TimeShift\live2-0.ts.tsbuffer
2012-09-23 11:52:13.609391 [(28)]: Controller: StartTimeShifting started on card:2 to D:\recorded tv\TimeShift\live2-0.ts.tsbuffer
2012-09-23 11:52:13.609391 [(28)]: user:setuptv remove
2012-09-23 11:52:13.609391 [(28)]: subch:0-0 tswriter StopTimeshifting...
2012-09-23 11:52:13.609391 [(28)]: tvcard:FreeSubChannel: subchannels count 1 subch#0 keep graph=False
2012-09-23 11:52:13.609391 [(28)]: DVB subch:0 Decompose()
2012-09-23 11:52:13.624991 [(28)]: FreeSubChannel CA: freeing sub channel : 0
2012-09-23 11:52:13.624991 [(28)]: tvcard:FreeSubChannel : no subchannels present, pausing graph
2012-09-23 11:52:13.624991 [(28)]: dvb:StopGraph called
2012-09-23 11:52:13.624991 [(28)]: tvcard:FreeAllSubChannels
2012-09-23 11:52:13.624991 [(28)]: dvb:StopGraph
2012-09-23 11:52:13.624991 [(28)]: dvb:StopGraph called
2012-09-23 11:52:13.624991 [(28)]: tvcard:FreeAllSubChannels
2012-09-23 11:52:13.624991 [(28)]: dvb:StopGraph filterstate already stopped, returning.
2012-09-23 11:52:13.624991 [TS_File_Cleanup(27)]: card: delete timeshift files D:\recorded tv\TimeShift\live3-0.ts
2012-09-23 11:52:13.624991 [SetupTv(1)]: preview Ketnet user:-1 -1 setuptv D:\recorded tv\TimeShift\live2-0.ts.tsbuffer
2012-09-23 11:52:13.624991 [SetupTv(1)]: play:D:\recorded tv\TimeShift\live2-0.ts.tsbuffer
2012-09-23 11:52:13.640591 [SetupTv(1)]: TSReaderPlayer:add TsReader to graph
2012-09-23 11:52:13.640591 [SetupTv(1)]: load file in Ts
2012-09-23 11:52:21.674591 [SetupTv(1)]: Exception in setuptv
2012-09-23 11:52:21.674591 [SetupTv(1)]: System.Threading.ThreadExceptionEventArgs
2012-09-23 11:52:32.205591 [(26)]: Controller: epg stop
2012-09-23 11:52:32.205591 [(26)]: Controller: epg start
[SetupTv(1)]: Exception :System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
at DirectShowLib.IFileSourceFilter.Load(String pszFileName, AMMediaType pmt)
at SetupTv.Sections.Player.Play(String fileName, Form form)
at SetupTv.Sections.FormPreview.ShowDialog(IWin32Window owner)
at SetupTv.Sections.TvChannels.mpButtonPreview_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
Post full logs please - I want to see the TsWriter info.I do have another problem (now that I have your and mm's attention)