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Anyway, I'm going out now and when I return, maybe it will be available for download in repository.
Thx, for trying Psycho!
Finaly I've got this skin.
1. What happened with 4:3 version?
2. Colors! Maybe you love these colors but look on screenshots and tell me can you read anything?
3. MP crashes when press Escape until searching for lyrics
4. Teletext and search button doesn't work
Anyway, it's very nice skin but you should change some things, especially colors and font size (bigger). Every comments is in good will to make your skin better.
1. When the 16x9 version is working properly and everybody is happy with it, then I'll port it to 4x3.
2. Clolours looked fine on my laptop, but I agreen - not too good on my TV, will look into it.
3. Does this happen with all skins when using MyLyrics?
4. I'll look into that.
The font size on most screens has been changed to 14, there are probably still some screens that use 10 or 12 (as in first screenshot), I'll look into it. I'm not going to make the font any bigger than 14 as this does appear quite legible to me from 3 meters or so. I'll be looking into modifying them menu screens to allow bigger fonts, and a better colour scheme.
Allright , I´ve testet this skin -------- VERY GOOD.
First let me say I´m happy to have a nonafo-mod for the skin.
Now my comments or critics:
The Symbol of for example weather in the home menu is stretched to the top , in the basic home its right------ ROUND.
Music/ Nowplaying screen: The Album Art is stretched to top , too. I´m running on a 15:9 Screen , so this shouldn´t be so, right?
The myProgramms screen doesn´t show the names for the programms in the top of the window - is this right?
In the now playing screen you cannot jump to the track suggestions , only to the hits - WHY?
Keep up the good work and let me know what you think about my comments.
I'm very very happy with this 16:9 skin. For me is plenty of usefull info on the screen, but I detect some things that could be changed in order to get it THE BEST choice:
In weather, when showing maps, images appear "enlarged" or "streched", that is, images aspect ratio is changed.
In movies or music lists, "next page" and "previous page" buttons are changed, so, i f you want to go "next page" you must click on "<" and vice-versa.
It's difficult to see progress bar (on dowloading movies or music info) cause his color (I think is white) is too close to the float window (a bright yellow). I think float windows background must be darker.