Rework of Music Database Thumb Handling (1 Viewer)


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  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 13, 2007
    Königstein (Taunus)
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Can I also implement that handling in NowPlaying screen, e. g. that the embedded cover appears as the cd case? The argument "#Play.Current.Thumb" doesn't work.
    #Play.Current.Thumb works (and worked!) all the time here in all skins IF you have the same cover as folder.jpg in your Album folder ;)
    MP3Tag allows you to extract the embedded cover and saves it automatically as folder.jpg ;)


    Portal Pro
    June 15, 2012
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    I thought that now the embedded cover can be displayed in the nowplaying screen without extracting the image, but it doesn't work with the above mentioned argument.

    I did some screenshots


    • shareview1.jpg
      387 KB
    • shareview2.jpg
      450.4 KB
    • nowplaying1.jpg
      466.5 KB
    • nowplaying2.jpg
      354.4 KB
    Last edited:


    Portal Pro
    March 4, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    You havent been online for a while, did you get this performance issue?

    @Sebastiii Do you think it is possible do the same logic as before? (Dont know if its appropriate to ask you like this. is it?)


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • November 12, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    No clue, but it's seems that we can run into preformance issue so maybe it's not fully the right way to do lol


    Portal Pro
    June 2, 2006
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Please note that some users, including myself would like to ALWAYS use the folder.jpg if it exists. I have spent many hours getting the correct folder.jpg in hundreds of music folders and it would be VERY BAD if this was wasted time if you ignore folder.jpg and use embedded images as a first option.

    Solutions is to look for folder.jpg first OR provide option for user to ALWAYS use folder.jpg if exists and if it doesn't then use embedded images.....

    Can you confirm this is already thought of, or can be implemented?


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 15, 2004
    Vienna, Austria
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    • #27
    Please note that some users, including myself would like to ALWAYS use the folder.jpg if it exists. I have spent many hours getting the correct folder.jpg in hundreds of music folders and it would be VERY BAD if this was wasted time if you ignore folder.jpg and use embedded images as a first option.
    Solutions is to look for folder.jpg first OR provide option for user to ALWAYS use folder.jpg if exists and if it doesn't then use embedded images.....
    Can you confirm this is already thought of, or can be implemented?

    So we need a Configuration option. :)


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 15, 2004
    Vienna, Austria
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    • #28


    Portal Pro
    March 4, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    I will post log and movie about what I see.


    Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 15, 2004
    Vienna, Austria
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    Austria Austria
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    • #30
    Ok, to reflect sleeycol's request above i have changed the logic slightly.

    In the Music Database section within Configuration someone can choose to use "Embedded CoverArt in tags" for Thumbs creation.
    This is an indication for us, that the user has nicely tagged files with covers included and this is most probably the cover that should be displayed by MP.

    If this flag is set, we will get the Cover in the following way:

    1. Get embedded Tag from the Song File
    2. Search the Thumbs folder for a file in the form "Artist-Album"
    3. return folder.jpg
    4. Return empty string

    If the above flag is not set, that indicates to us, that this user is most probably not using Database, but browsing via folder. So we will get the cover art in this way:

    1. return folder.jpg
    2. Search the Thumbs folder for a file in the form "Artist-Album"
    3. Get embedded Tag from the Song File
    4. Return empty string

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