Rework of Music Database Thumb Handling (4 Viewers)


Portal Pro
June 15, 2012
Home Country
Germany Germany
Can I also implement that handling in NowPlaying screen, e. g. that the embedded cover appears as the cd case? The argument "#Play.Current.Thumb" doesn't work.
IF you have the same cover as folder.jpg in your Album folder ;)
MP3Tag allows you to extract the embedded cover and saves it automatically as folder.jpg ;)

My problem is, that I have the tracks stored in different folders depending on the beginning letter of the file.
E. g. in the folder D are tracks from Da Brat (2 songs), Damage, Daz Dillinger, Deborah Cox... In the folder view is for the 2 Da Brat songs 2 different images displayed. In the NowPlayingScreen it is displaying still the stripped embedded cover from the specific folder, for both tracks the same image. For both tracks it is the same artist name and album name tagged. I thought that now with the new music handling MP can also display two different images without stripping the embedded cover.


Portal Pro
June 15, 2012
Home Country
Germany Germany
Ok, to reflect sleeycol's request above i have changed the logic slightly.

In the Music Database section within Configuration someone can choose to use "Embedded CoverArt in tags" for Thumbs creation.
This is an indication for us, that the user has nicely tagged files with covers included and this is most probably the cover that should be displayed by MP.

If this flag is set, we will get the Cover in the following way:

1. Get embedded Tag from the Song File
2. Search the Thumbs folder for a file in the form "Artist-Album"
3. return folder.jpg
4. Return empty string

If the above flag is not set, that indicates to us, that this user is most probably not using Database, but browsing via folder. So we will get the cover art in this way:

1. return folder.jpg
2. Search the Thumbs folder for a file in the form "Artist-Album"
3. Get embedded Tag from the Song File
4. Return empty string

What do I have to do? In my case it is displaying still the images from the thumbs folder. All my songs have embedded covers.

Where can I find the file with the changed logic? Is it the same file in the first post?


Portal Pro
March 4, 2008
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
Found 1 performance issue.

Population times on first load.
Sebastiii fixed this a while back.
It was fast befor, but with this fix with coverart, it is slow again.

This is the thread with the fix

I don't have any performance problems here
restart PC before you test this. contains the movie about the issue Helmut...

What would you like me to do to help you test.?


    3.5 MB
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Portal Pro
March 4, 2008
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
what is your verdict on this reported issue I am seeing? I tested with current MP1.10 final bot build
I am not getting much feedback. :( I hope behind the screens more is known :)


Portal Pro
March 4, 2008
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
Yeah, I can relate to that. :) dont worry about it.
Hope you see an obvious reason for this behavior without needing to dig too deep.
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Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 23, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    I've been trying to figure out what's going on here, and just now i was able to reproduce the issue.

    Steps i took:
    - Put 5GB+ musicfiles in a single folder
    - Make sure Debug logging is enabled
    - Add the music folder as only (for testing purposes) music share in MP config and checkbox it.
    - Start MP, enter music section and make sure Shares view is set.
    - Restart PC, start MP, enter music section and the result (of about 7.5 GB files) is:
    Folder: E:\Downloads\_TEST_DISCS\Music\VariousArtists : took : 11,2082945 s to load

    About 5GB of music takes around 23 seconds for Edterbak, but he's running an i3 and i've got an i7, so i expect that to cause the differences in time.

    Important note: Reproducing this ONLY happens when you reboot. Restarting MP and enterering Music section for the 2nd time results in:
    Folder: E:\Downloads\_TEST_DISCS\Music\VariousArtists : took : 1,0082072 s to load

    At first i was suspecting it could be related to the FolderDatabase.db3 file, but after regenerating that, and making sure only the music folders are listed there, i can still reproduce the issue, so the .db3 was ruled out.
    I've also ruled out issues with Edterbak's files, since i can reproduce it with mine now also.

    Now that i can reproduce it, i'll give debugging a try, although that might be hard, since this only happens after a fresh Windows start.
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    Portal Pro
    March 4, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Haha.. :)

    I was beginning to think it was my personal lack of computer skills and making a mess of even the most basic things ... Hahaha.. At least thank you for letting me know it is not my sanity which is lost... (well, regarding PC stuff only than.)

    Thank you HomeY for first trying to sort out my pc and than reproducing it on your system. :) Took a lot of effort. Thank you agian for that. :)

    PS @HomeY
    You better tune up your i7, cause it is relatively slow m8... I mean, common, 13% too slow!.. 11.2 seconds??
    The math: 23 seconds / i7 * i3 = 9.9 seconds... yours is def. too slow with 11.2 seconds .. :p :p


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 23, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    You better tune up your i7, cause it is relatively slow m8... I mean, common, 13% too slow!.. 11.2 seconds??
    The math: 23 seconds / i7 * i3 = 9.9 seconds... yours is def. too slow with 11.2 seconds ..
    Whehehe... Where's the folder size variable in that math?? :p
    Btw: I think i just tuned down my CPU :D

    [2014-12-22 16:16:37,510] [Log ] [4 ] [DEBUG] - Folder: E:\Downloads\_TEST_DISCS\Music\VariousArtists : took : 86,8270841 s to load

    Haven't been able to find the cause while debugging, but i'm pretty sure @hwahrmann knows better what's going on when such a large folder is opened. ;)
    Might be that i have the breakpoints in the wrong place, but i've set them on every logline, and after continuing the BP on FolderSettingsSqlLite.cs, line 368, it shows the delay, and then halts again on the next BP, which is set on GUIMusicFiles.cs, line 609.

    Can understand this delay can be annoying, but since it only happens on the first opening of the music section, and only after a windows reboot, i don't see this a showstopper for the upcomging 1.10 Final.
    But would be really nice if we can figure out what causes it, and (hopefully) fix it.

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