RSS Ticker (2 Viewers)


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  • June 10, 2007
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  • April 12, 2008
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    Here is a patch that fixes weather.

    It does seem to contain an error though, I have weather enabled in the main menu, but no rss feeds and now the weather info shows up just fine, but I also get an error saying: Error in reading feed HTTP:// where the rss-ticker is supposed to show. I'm using MediaStream by the way.

    My mistake ... appearantly rss is on by default again when copying the .dll


    Community Plugin Dev
    January 7, 2007
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Here is a patch that fixes weather.

    It does seem to contain an error though, I have weather enabled in the main menu, but no rss feeds and now the weather info shows up just fine, but I also get an error saying: Error in reading feed HTTP:// where the rss-ticker is supposed to show. I'm using MediaStream by the way.

    Just use InfoService. Download it here:

    But you have to change your myHome.xml in your MediaStream skin folder. Copy my attached file to this folder.


    • myHome.xml
      30.6 KB


    Portal Pro
    March 6, 2008
    RSS settings?

    hello everyone, This is a pretty long post and its late so I'll get straight to it. I just got through setting up MP with all the bells and whistles and so far I'm jazzed!! this is really cool. one thing I notice around is not a lot of actual nooby tutorials. you know for the non programmer type person. I didn't have too much of a problem setting everything up, but I do have one last thing that is bugging me. :mad:

    I just set up the rss ticker and I got my NFL news rolling on by down at the bottom of my screen. but at the top where it is suppose to show the city or location, current conditions and temperature, all I'm getting is the city at the top and under them is says: #condition and #temp. I waited for quite a while thinking that it would grab the info sooner or later but it never did. I suppose my question is how do I fix those fields? I have looked all through the MP configuration but cant figure it out. can someone please help me out?

    I'm using MP 1.02 and the purevisionhd skin and like I said this is the last thing that I have to tweak.

    appreciate the help,:D



    I don't know what i did but i just lost my city name...I just copied over mpinfoservice v0993 to my windows folder per the instructions. My news feed is still there but the other info is still just the field labels and not the actual information. Im gonna stop messin around until someone can help because this is my sixth or eigth re-install in about three days.


    Portal Pro
    September 3, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands

    I don't know what i did but i just lost my city name...I just copied over mpinfoservice v0993 to my windows folder per the instructions. My news feed is still there but the other info is still just the field labels and not the actual information. Im gonna stop messin around until someone can help because this is my sixth or eigth re-install in about three days.
    MPInfoService is a different plugin and not by default supported by all skins.
    That being said, you will have to configure (for both RSS Ticker and MPInfoService) a weather location. This is done from the MediaPortal Configuration program. Weather has it's own section.


    Portal Pro
    March 6, 2008
    I know, I am running both. I am using mpinfoservice V0993, and they both have my location entered. I really am not that inexperienced with this. I have read and messed with this for some time now. the rss ticker at the bottom is working just fine, it is the three items at the top that are not coming through. I left media portal open over night and it still hasn't populated those fields. Like I said, the location was showing, but then I added the mpinfo dll that went away. here is a screen shot...should I post something else to give a clearer view of what is going on?



    • media portal.JPG
      media portal.JPG
      45.1 KB


    Community Plugin Dev
    January 7, 2007
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    From the screenshot i see that you use a purevison hd version that doesn't support InfoService. Use the latest version of PureVision HD and then use ONLY the InfoService.dll and del the rssticker plugin from your plugin folder. If you have done right it should be working, if not please send me your mediaportal.log, and i look for the problem ;)


    Design Group Manager
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  • August 13, 2007
    Königstein (Taunus)
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Yes, it´s the wrong xml. Here you´ll find the latest xml working for PureVisionHD and version 0.993 of the plugin!
    Make sure you have also entered a city in MPConfig under "Weather"!
    And be sure to have the latest fix for the weather channel!


    • common.rss.xml
      30.6 KB


    New Member
    December 11, 2007
    Home Country
    Portugal Portugal
    Hi there!

    Great plugin Sambal.

    There are 2 little issues that aren't working very well with the rss ticker, the news logo doesn't appear at all and is it possible to speed up the scrolling beyond the level 5 setting in mediaportal config?

    The logo is 140x35.jpeg and i've tryed another one 28x28.png. none of them works.

    Thanks in advance


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