RSS Ticker (1 Viewer)


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  • June 25, 2007
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    Akay, couldn't help it ;) fixed both issues.

    Turns out the textboxscrollup renders the text "\n" literally. Fixed this to insert a newline when you enter "\n" (without the quotes) as separator.

    Supplied the modified plugin.dll in the attached archive.

    Please let me know if this works alright for you.


    I'm sorry to say I couldn't seem to get the \n to passthrough using your version of the dll. I have attached me mediaportal.xml file showing my configuration incase I've done something wrong..

    I also played around yesterday and 'hacked' your souce code to use '\n \n' as the separator just to see if it works (see attached bitmaps). Unfortunately my coding is amatuer level so I'm not up to doing a good job on the configuration.

    I hope you get the idea of what I'm after.. basically I have it working but would prefer it to be via your plugin 100% so upgrading doesn't become a pain.

    Thanks again for your support.

    (If anyone finds this interesting I'm happy to write up my brutal hacking to get this working).




    • mpscreenshot-currentversion.PNG
      369.7 KB
    • mpscreenshot-myhacked.PNG
      341.9 KB
    • MediaPortal.xml
      30.6 KB


    Portal Pro
    February 4, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    ... the feed shows up after a while, I don't see anything related to the weather though, and after say 1 or 2 minutes, I get a crash in the plugin: ...

    I tried the feed you specified but couldn't reproduce the error you are experiencing. Darre also posted about the nullreference. Could you please set the MediaPortal log level to debug start MP, wait for the crash and provide me with the log and error files? You can set the loglevel in MP Configuration -> General -> Log verbosity

    ... I'm sorry to say I couldn't seem to get the \n to passthrough using your version of the dll. I have attached me mediaportal.xml file showing my configuration incase I've done something wrong..

    I also played around yesterday and 'hacked' your souce code to use '\n \n' as the separator just to see if it works (see attached bitmaps). Unfortunately my coding is amatuer level so I'm not up to doing a good job on the configuration. ...

    This is probably my bad :oops: It only checks for one \n. Specifying \n inserts a newline and \n\n does nothing. I'll post better newline support soon.


    Portal Pro
    February 4, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Attached is an updated version of the Ticker with better newline support.

    Just copy the provided plugin to your MediaPortal\plugins\process folder.


    MP Donator
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  • August 7, 2008
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    Austria Austria
    Your code in other basichome.xml skins

    Hi Sambal,

    I'm having a very basic questions - but first let me explain that I'm not a developer I'd like to consider myself as advanced user. I'm currently building my first HTPC (and probably the last one - fighting with different issues) and I'd like to use your RSS in my favorite skins Xface and Myhem III. Reading your posts I got the impression that just copy the code in the the *.xml files and thats it, and yes I did copy also the *.dll file. But obviously its not that simple because either I get "... missing *.xml file" or the code is accepted but it shows nothing neither the weather nor the news. I tried to find hints in the manual or other posts but so far ...
    If you could bring some light in this very basic issue I'd highly appreciate.
    By the way the rss which comes along with the MB shows the news in a very basic style like text in notepad. Is this correct?

    Thanks and best regards, ojessie


    Portal Pro
    February 4, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Adding the fadelabel to the xml's of your favourite skin is all that's necessary to use the RSS Ticker.

    If you can post your modified xml i can have a look.


    Portal Member
    February 1, 2007
    Home Country
    France France
    Hi erosco ,

    The way you use RSS ticker is very interresting for me .. could you send me your batch that create the RSS fille ?



    MP Donator
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  • August 7, 2008
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    Austria Austria
    xml Files

    Hi Sambal,

    thanks for your support. Attached are both files. As previously described I just copied the code in the original files.
    Anyhow, thank you and could you please briefly describe what went wrong because I'd like to learn something out out of this.

    Br, ojessie:



    • BasicHome_Mayhem_.xml
      30.6 KB
    • BasicHome_xface_.xml
      30.6 KB


    MP Donator
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  • January 4, 2007
    Lucca, Tuscany
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    Not display Error message resuming from standby

    Hi Sambal, thanks for your great plugin, I've a request : when I resume from standby my network connection was disabled for few seconds so your plugin display : error reading feed : etc etc.
    It's possible to not display the error message ? (only in log) so the next time the plugin refresh I'll see the rrs correctly.
    Every time I resume from standby I see the error message, and I think it's a common issue.

    Bye and :D


    Portal Pro
    February 4, 2008
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Hi Sambal,

    thanks for your support. Attached are both files. As previously described I just copied the code in the original files.
    Anyhow, thank you and could you please briefly describe what went wrong because I'd like to learn something out out of this.

    Br, ojessie:


    Hi ojessie,

    Sorry for the late reply, been very busy lately.

    I've had a look at your xml's and found the following:

    Some basic information about how MP reads and displays the xml.
    MP reads the xml top to bottom. The controls are rendered on screen in the same order. That means that if you specify multiple controls that overlap the bottommost control (xml) will be on top (MP).

    You specified the Ticker controls before the background definition. This means the background image is drawn over the Ticker controls.

    Moving the Ticker controls down in the xml solves this problem. I did have to specify <width> and <height> with the weather image to make it appear.

    Hope this helps.


    @midgar: I will get it fixed, thanks for the feedback.


    Portal Pro
    April 21, 2007
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    @midgar: I will get it fixed, thanks for the feedback.

    I have the same prob as midgar, but I get it when booting up the HTPC. Not a biggie, but it would be nice if the plugin could be set to wait for instance 30 secs before loading(I assume it just times out trying to grab the feed because the comp hasnt established a connection by the time it tries).

    All ready have MP waiting 15 secs, I'll try to experiment with that a bit to fin the right time, but as I constantly skin new stuff/test options I don't want to have counter on MP as a whole.

    Either that or just remove the error like suggested by midgar, because then I could put the refresh time to something like 2 min and the plugin would grab the feed at second try.

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