OK - that's just palying the file in Graphstudio - and what Information are you looking for?
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As soon I know how to use graphstudio I will
Ja - OK - but what do you need from Graphstudio if I'm able to reproduce the Pixelerror? Is there a log or something?As soon I know how to use graphstudio I will
START - SAF - Tools - graphstudio (if you enabled tools durning SAF install)
Drag and drop your videofile here and hit play. Try to seek to reproduce pixelation.
Nope.Ja - OK - but what do you need from Graphstudio if I'm able to reproduce the Pixelerror? Is there a log or something?As soon I know how to use graphstudio I will
START - SAF - Tools - graphstudio (if you enabled tools durning SAF install)
Drag and drop your videofile here and hit play. Try to seek to reproduce pixelation.
I use onboard graphics (intel H67 chipset).What GPU do you have?...
When viewing x264 coded movies I encounter block artifacts as in attached screenshots. Currently I use saf6.12 unlocked ..
As a workaround, START - SAF - FFDSHOW - configure FFDSHOW DXVA and here untick h.264 and VC-1 DXVA.
No, it will disable DXVA.Didn't try the workaround yet. This will disable DirectX-support?
Hi.Hi, Hoborg,
When install a new version of your SAF, all custom settings, are deleted. it's possible to have a choice for update codec and leave custom settings ?