Schedules Direct US/Canadian/Mexico EPG Plugin (Updated August 2010) (2 Viewers)


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February 1, 2012
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It's worth a try... the flag is checked when the plugin is initialized, iirc. So, if PowerScheduler++ in fact forces a restart of the plugin, then it could do what you're looking for.

Great, I'll give it a try and let you know what I find.

Thanks again for your help


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  • December 10, 2010
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    I have schedules direct set get last minute guide changes set to 24 hours. That implies a daily update. Am I wrong?


    Portal Pro
    January 9, 2008
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    Hi all,

    I have created a landing page for the SchedulesDirect plugin in the MediaPortal wiki here: SchedulesDirect. It simply points to the Google code site but it makes it more easily found by MediaPortal users who are looking through the wiki as a primary source of information.


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  • October 24, 2011

    I just started having issues with this plugin a few days ago It has been running solid for me for about 6 months otherwise.

    Error in tv.log:
    2013-02-10 21:26:36.243835 [TVService(6)]: TV Service: Load plugins
    2013-02-10 21:26:36.256835 [TVService(6)]: PluginManager: Loaded ComSkipLauncher version: author:and-81
    2013-02-10 21:26:36.260836 [TVService(6)]: PluginManager: Loaded ConflictsManager version: author:Broceliande
    2013-02-10 21:26:36.262836 [TVService(6)]: PluginManager: Loaded MPExtended PowerScheduler plugin version:0.5.1 author:MPExtended Developers
    2013-02-10 21:26:36.269836 [TVService(6)]: PluginManager: Loaded Power Scheduler version: author:micheloe
    2013-02-10 21:26:36.272836 [TVService(6)]: PluginManager: Loaded SchedulesDirect EPG Client version: author:Patrick
    2013-02-10 21:26:36.284837 [TVService(6)]: PluginManager: Loaded ServerBlaster version: author:joboehl with ralphy mods
    2013-02-10 21:26:36.290837 [TVService(6)]: PluginManager: Loaded TV Movie EPG import version: author:rtv
    2013-02-10 21:26:36.296838 [TVService(6)]: PluginManager: Loaded WebEPG version: author:Arion_p - James
    2013-02-10 21:26:36.299838 [TVService(6)]: PluginManager: Loaded XmlTv version: author:Frodo
    2013-02-10 21:26:36.299838 [TVService(6)]: TV Service: Plugins loaded
    2013-02-10 21:26:36.300838 [TVService(6)]: TV Service: Plugin: ComSkipLauncher started
    2013-02-10 21:26:36.300838 [TVService(6)]: plugin: ComSkipLauncher start
    2013-02-10 21:26:36.303838 [TVService(6)]: TV Service: Plugin: ConflictsManager disabled
    2013-02-10 21:26:36.303838 [TVService(6)]: TV Service: Plugin: MPExtended PowerScheduler plugin disabled
    2013-02-10 21:26:36.304838 [TVService(6)]: TV Service: Plugin: Power Scheduler disabled
    2013-02-10 21:26:36.304838 [TVService(6)]: TV Service: Plugin: SchedulesDirect EPG Client started
    2013-02-10 21:26:36.305838 [TVService(6)]: SchedulesDirect EPG Client: version 1.2.3 starting
    2013-02-10 21:27:06.324555 [TVService(6)]: TV Service:  Plugin: SchedulesDirect EPG Client failed to start
    2013-02-10 21:27:06.332556 [TVService(6)]: TV Service: Plugin: ServerBlaster disabled
    2013-02-10 21:27:06.335556 [TVService(6)]: TV Service: Plugin: TV Movie EPG import disabled
    2013-02-10 21:27:06.338556 [TVService(6)]: TV Service: Plugin: WebEPG disabled
    2013-02-10 21:27:06.340556 [TVService(6)]: TV Service: Plugin: XmlTv disabled
    2013-02-10 21:27:06.340556 [TVService(6)]: TV Service: Plugins started

    The only indication I can see is in error.log for the TV server.

    2013-02-10 21:26:32.405615 [TVService(6)]: TvService OnStart failed : System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
      at System.Threading.Thread.SleepInternal(Int32 millisecondsTimeout)
      at TvService.TvServiceThread.OnStart()
    2013-02-10 21:27:06.326555 [TVService(6)]: Exception  :Error: StatementErrorUnclassified
    Gentle.Common.GentleException: select idProgram, idChannel, startTime, endTime, title, description, genre, state, originalAirDate, seriesNum, episodeNum, episodePart, episodeName, starRating, classification, parentalRating from Program order by endTime desc limit 1 offset 0; ---> MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException: Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
      at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader.NextResult()
      at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
      at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand.ExecuteDbDataReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
      at System.Data.Common.DbCommand.System.Data.IDbCommand.ExecuteReader()
      at Gentle.Framework.SqlStatement.Execute(IDbConnection conn, IDbTransaction tr)
      --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
      at Gentle.Framework.SqlStatement.Execute(IDbConnection conn, IDbTransaction tr)
      at Gentle.Framework.PersistenceBroker.Execute(SqlStatement stmt, IDbConnection dbConnection, IDbTransaction dbTransaction)
      at Gentle.Framework.SqlStatement.Execute()
      at SchedulesDirect.Plugin.SchedulesDirectPluginTVE3.GetLastProgramEntry()
      at SchedulesDirect.Plugin.SchedulesDirectPluginTVE3.TvEngine.ITvServerPlugin.Start(IController controller)
      at TvService.TvServiceThread.StartPlugins()MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException: Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
      at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader.NextResult()
      at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
      at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand.ExecuteDbDataReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
      at System.Data.Common.DbCommand.System.Data.IDbCommand.ExecuteReader()
      at Gentle.Framework.SqlStatement.Execute(IDbConnection conn, IDbTransaction tr)

    any advice anyone could offer would be great. Thanks.

    It seems that the bad sql was from the schedulesdirect plugin to determine the last end time of programs in the EPG.

    The solve was to open a mysql prompt and truncate the program table. Then since it was empty, I added a reverse index on the endTime column. It seems to me that it would be better to optimize the program to not run a query that does a full table scan without an index.

    Last edited:


    MP Donator
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  • October 12, 2008
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    Canada Canada
    Hey Matt,

    Looks like you found a good issue and solution. Thanks! Ya, full table scans with no indexes is not a great idea at all. I had started maintaining this plugin to add thetvdb stuff to the EPG, but haven't really played with it much lately with work and life being way too busy.

    If you're motivated, feel free to provide a patch or I can give you privileges to checkin for the project here:

    Otherwise, I'll try to get to it eventually.

    Thanks, again.




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  • February 7, 2013
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    Hello, I am not quite sure if its a normal behavior or not but the season numbering appears a bit weird on my end. Here is an example of what I get:
    Swamp Loggers - SEP01143702ES01E01
    I do get in the end the S01E01 but all the numbers before that I am not quite sure what it means. Is it normal? Should it be listed?

    The rest of the EPG is fine, all channels are listed as they should, program info is there. It is only the season/episode numbering that appears weird. So far I had to remove this from being displayed on the main guide but the file recorded is still using this long naming scheme and my tvseries plugin has hard time figuring out whats the actual series and episode number out of it.

    I havn't found anything interesting in the logs but I could have missed something. Do you need the logs to track this out?

    Note, running MP 1.3RC. Channel lineup is:

    Postal Code, Location, Name, Type
    G0A 3R0, St-Joachim-de-Montmorency, CA Vidéotron Ltée - Digital, CableDigital

    Thanks in advance for the help!
    Last edited:


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  • October 12, 2008
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    Canada Canada
    Hey SVoyager,

    It looks like your file format string includes more than it should.

    IIRC, the %episode$ value is where I put the SxxExx information.

    So your file format string should look something like:

    %title%\%title% - %episode% - %name%

    Hope that helps.



    MP Donator
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  • February 7, 2013
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    Canada Canada
    Hi Geoff, thanks for the answer!

    edit: after re-reading your post, I initially didn't see an important info which invalidated my entire reply lol.

    Ok, I see so I will only include the %episode% tag. Thanks!!
    FYI, this screws a bit the EPG when you set it to display the season/episode numbers if you use this option on MP config --> TV --> TV Client --> Show episode info dropbox

    Quick question, was there a reason for not using the %series% %episode% tags separated? It looks like MP meant for it to be used that way, no?
    Last edited:


    MP Donator
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  • October 12, 2008
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    Canada Canada
    I think this implementation pre-dates MP having two fields available. At the time I added this feature, only episode existed, perhaps? Not sure.

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