Scythe42's fixes for 1.4.0 (2 Viewers)

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  • Team MediaPortal
  • February 23, 2008
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    When the GUI/RSS feed isn't smooth:
    And what should I see there? Guess I am getting blind... :cool:
    You shouln't wear sunglasses in the house :D

    Rendering @ 32,3 FPS instead of 50Hz (which would explain the stuttering/not smooth GUI) ;)
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    Retired Team Member
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  • June 20, 2009
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    Any chance of having a new installer for testing during the weekend? ;)
    Working on one mouse glitch I can now reproduce with information provided from @Sebastiii.

    Do not know how long it takes. I say go ahead after 15:30 CET, so we can have a good round of testing on the weekend, to see what glitches are left and what can be done for 1.4.0 with them or if we have a show stopper.


    Retired Team Member
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  • June 20, 2009
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    Rendering @ 32,3 FPS instead of 50Hz (which would explain the stuttering/not smooth GUI) ;)
    I see. Good question where this is coming from on your system. Can you send me your Mediaportal.xml please?


    Portal Pro
    March 31, 2006
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    Germany Germany
    Hi scythe,

    I tried your build since I have problems with MP often freezing after standby. I hoped your build would fix that, but unfortunately it does not.
    I could not find any evidence for what is causing the freezes in the logs. Unfortunately it also is not reliably reproducible.

    - System Specs used : nghtpc
    - How many displays : 1
    - What resolution does each display use : 1920x1080
    - More than one GPU used : no
    - How are displays connected : AMD 6570 - Yamaha AVR - LG TV, all HDMI
    - Skin Used : Titan

    Please find attached the log of today, when I remotely woke up the system (WOL) and connected via VNC. This was just a test to see if MP would resume correctly, which it did not. Killed it with taskmanager and collected logs.
    Powerscheduler sent the system to standby at 1:27 after stopping TV, entering the home screen and staying there for 5 minutes without user action.
    The system then resumes at 2:58 for EPG grabbing. Return to standby at 3:18 and then the resume by WOL at 12:51.
    I don't think the VNC session is the cause, since I also saw this on a normal session before.
    Might be worth mentioning: the windows volume was muted. This happens every now and then and I saw you guys discussing this already. Maybe the PS++ option to unmute might help here, but this is another story.
    Furthermore, for "switching off" the whole home theater setup I use a Harmony remote. As said, it sends MP to the home screen and then stops playback. So the system is still running when the AVR and TV are switched off by the remote.

    Hope you can find the problem.

    Kind regards
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    Retired Team Member
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  • June 20, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    Not yet found the root cause for this. It has to do something with the multi display support and it seems like RDP/VNC can trigger the same behaviour.

    We deal with the "freezing" with the next build to make sure everyone helping out is on the latest binaries. There should be one available in the evening.
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    Retired Team Member
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  • June 20, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    Rendering @ 32,3 FPS instead of 50Hz (which would explain the stuttering/not smooth GUI) ;)
    I see. Good question where this is coming from on your system. Can you send me your Mediaportal.xml please?
    Sure, clean logs attached, but noticed i have some new errors in there :(
    One is the TVSeries problem with threaded loading. I will take a look at the code *sigh* to check what is actually going on. I guess it plays with some internal MP stuff it should not do as well. But could be wrong here.

    So off to fixing TV-Series or making stuff happen on MP to deal with it. Want any features over there while I am at it? :D

    The exceptions at the end happen when you stop MP very quickly after startup... I am aware of them. But they are purely cosmetic as MP is exiting anyway. But for the sake of clean logs I deal with them.


    Retired Team Member
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  • June 20, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    Sure, clean logs attached, but noticed i have some new errors in there :(
    Not the logs. Mediaportal.xml, the configuration file, for your stuttering GUI issue. :p I need to check some settings
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