Scythe42's fixes for 1.4.0 (1 Viewer)

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Portal Pro
March 4, 2008
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Netherlands Netherlands
- System Specs used : Intel i3-3225 (+ AMD 5670 active output, not the IGP)
- How many displays : 1
- What resolution does each display use : 1920x1080x32
- More than one GPU used : No (Disabled IGP)
- How are displays connected :1 TV
- How are they positioned : Facing the seats. ;)
- Which one is the primary one : (screen shot of windows setup where you see 1, 2, 3 etc. helps)
- On which do you start MP :
- Where is the taskkbar positioned of Windows : Win8 --> Classic Shell
- Screenshot of the whole windows desktop when it is wrong. Not just MP, that does not elp me.
- Skin Used : Titan

Installed this build from 26-4

Upon reboot and autostart >> MP starts. after 10 seconds crash and I'm back on desktop.
This was already present in previous build, but havent got around to collect log.

After the mentioned crash, I did a log collection (after crash)

Logs attached (Mediaportallog

- No judder or rss glitches seen

After that:
Did a Debug + plugin run: Same crash
Logs attached (Debugmode ....
There is a memory dump available of 17MB if you need it.

Upon reading back, I suspect is has to do with TV series/Trakt.
I will test and disable them to see if its gone.

Nope, Disabled Trakt + TV series. Still a crash.

Could it be related to me installing AMD CCC 13.5Beta?
Last edited:


Design Group Manager
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  • August 13, 2007
    Königstein (Taunus)
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    Germany Germany
    No crashes, all plugins working fine, threaded loading (set in MediaPortal.xml -> <entry name="threadedstartup">yes</entry>) is fast and perfect, GUI smooth, RSS scrolls flickerfree ;)
    All this with latest build from 1st post.
    Although no problems here, I´ll add logs to compare with someone elses logs and to congratulate @Scythe42 for an extraordinary job ;)
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    MP Donator
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  • September 24, 2011
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    Germany Germany
    I found something new i think :p
    If setting "Minimize to tray on GUI exit" is enabled, exiting MP is not working anymore from within the GUI (TOP-Bar or Shutdown Menu from Titan). If this setting is disabled, you can exit MP.


    Retired Team Member
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  • June 20, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    I found something new i think :p
    If setting "Minimize to tray on GUI exit" is enabled, exiting MP is not working anymore from within the GUI (TOP-Bar or Shutdown Menu from Titan). If this setting is disabled, you can exit MP.
    I think that behaviour with the top bar is there since a log time. Can someone confirm?


    Portal Pro
    January 1, 2011
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    Germany Germany
    Regarding TV-Series:


    private static readonly Object thisLock = new Object(); // put this where the rest of the private fields in the class are
    public static void LogOptions() {
    	foreach (string key in optionsCache.Keys)
    	  // dont log private options
    	  if (!key.Equals(DBOption.cTraktPassword) && !key.Equals(DBOption.cOnlineUserID))
    		MPTVSeriesLog.Write(string.Format("Option {0}: {1}", key, optionsCache[key].ToString()), MPTVSeriesLog.LogLevel.Debug);

    you should lock the access of optionsCache everywhere in DBOptions.
    but, as I do not see any remove of complete KeyValue Pairs, you do not need to lock this one
    publicstaticDBValueGetOptions(String property)
    if(optionsCache.ContainsKey(convertedProperty))return optionsCache[convertedProperty];

    but you should do
    public static DBValue GetOptions(String property)
    		// UpdateTable();
    		String convertedProperty = property;
    		DatabaseUtility.RemoveInvalidChars(ref convertedProperty);
    		if (optionsCache.ContainsKey(convertedProperty)) return optionsCache[convertedProperty];
    		string sqlQuery = "select value from options where property = '" + convertedProperty + "'";
    		SQLiteResultSet results = DBTVSeries.Execute(sqlQuery);
    		if (results.Rows.Count > 0)
    			string res = DatabaseUtility.Get(results, 0, "value");
    					optionsCache.Add(property, res);
    			return res;
    	catch (Exception ex)
    		MPTVSeriesLog.Write("An Error Occurred (" + ex.Message + ").");
    	return null;

    Anyway does it make sense to use property as key, or should instead convertedProperty being used? Bug?

    public static bool SetOptions(String property, DBValue value)
    		// UpdateTable();
    			if (!optionsCache.ContainsKey(property) || optionsCache[property] != value)
    				String convertedProperty = property;
    				String convertedvalue = value.ToString().Replace("'", "''");
    				String sqlQuery;
    				if (GetOptions(convertedProperty) == null)
    					sqlQuery = "insert into options (option_id, property, value) values(NULL, '" + convertedProperty + "', '" + convertedvalue + "')";
    					sqlQuery = "update options set value = '" + convertedvalue + "' where property = '" + convertedProperty + "'";
    				optionsCache[property] = value;
    		return true;
    	catch (Exception ex)
    		MPTVSeriesLog.Write("An Error Occurred (" + ex.Message + ").");
    		return false;

    This will just fix one of these issues in mptvseries.

    It would be an idea to calculate a plugin dependency tree in advance (of all plugins), in order to see which ones can be initialized in parallel.


    MP Donator
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  • September 24, 2011
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    I found something new i think :p
    If setting "Minimize to tray on GUI exit" is enabled, exiting MP is not working anymore from within the GUI (TOP-Bar or Shutdown Menu from Titan). If this setting is disabled, you can exit MP.
    I think that behaviour with the top bar is there since a log time. Can someone confirm?

    I installed the latest build from @hwahrmann on my desktop because i found a bug inside the music player rework. this build doesn't contain your fixes and with this build it works as it should (exiting from topbar and shutdown menu) but maybe some other users can confirm this...i hope :)


    MP Donator
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  • September 12, 2009
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    - System Specs used :
    - How many displays : 1
    - What resolution does each display use : 1920x1080
    - More than one GPU used : no
    - How are displays connected : hdmi -> avr -> hdmi
    - Skin Used : Titan

    Using the latest test build from today.
    Mediaportal just crashed again after resume. I reported a similar crash a lot of pages ago ( This time it was a bit different.
    HTPC went to hibernate at 1:04. At 1:22 i resumed it. On my screen i could see Mediaportal with a notification from WorldWeather Lite that it couldnt download any informations. This notification went away and after that mp crashed, at least the gui. Logs show that e.g. PS++ was still running in the background. Clock is stuck at 1:04 and remote/keyboard presses didnt do anything. I then killed mp via taskmgr and got back to the desktop. What made me think of the last reported crash i did (see link above), was that the taskbar was missing from windows. So after mp crashed and was killed i just saw the desktop without taskbar. I could use the desktop however not startmenu etc.
    This does not happen often, first time since last report from me. But, it happens :p.
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