The MediaCategory "Series" is added to lookup dictionary after the SeriesMDE was created. So the very first lookup misses the SeriesMDE, all further calls are working correctly.
So I need to rework the first time init, or the order how categories get registered.
But this won't happen today, as we start the spring season today with a barbecue
Tried it with "old" imported series first. There it did not work, same like the old dll. Had to delete the share and re-add it again. Right atm I'm importing some files. They show up in Series view. After this first import is finished I will add some other files to the import- directory and do a reimport. If that is finished (my Internet is slooow, so this will take its time) I come back and report.
After the first Import finished successfully, I've added another Series to the Test- Folder. This series only has 2 episodes. The Reimport was successful. New Series is shown as expected.
Brave as I am I added a whole bunch of other series now. I started Reimport again now with something about 1500 new episodes. I will wait until import is finished (may take some hours) and report back. But the first few new Episodes are shown properly in Series, so I think this Issue is fixed...