Now after you have fixed the LiveTV audio selection, are you ready to get your hands on this power scheduler thing?
It stilldoes not work with todays build.
Yeah it could be interesting to get this one fixed.
Although I am coding blindfolded a bit here since I am not running this setup as u do.
I run a standalone tvserver 24-7.
So my clients are multiseaters.
Although I can make a shot at it.
It seems like powerscheduler on the client somehow takes MP to the homescreen before the remember last active module feature persist the current module id.
This is my theory at least.
PS server plugin as ok ? Its only when activating the PS client plugin ?
The more precise u can be the better.
Any specific plugin setting ?
You pointed me in the right direction by asking "Any specific plugin setting ?"
I opened the PowerScheduler client plugin within MP configuration and the first checkbox is
"Only allow standby when on home window". I have this activated because if using single seat this prevents the TV server to shutdown the PC when your not watching LiveTV (heartbeat is sent by PS client plugin) but e.g. watching pictures or playing musik (no heartbeat is sent by PS client plugin).
For testing purposes, I have disabled this checkbox. If I am now watching LiveTV in fullscreen, enter standby and resume the PC then LiveTV is resumed but not in fullscreen as it was before entering standby (see attached log)
Also, the side effect of disabling this option in single seat is that the power scheduler within the TV server shuts down the PC even when listening to music. So this is not a real solution.
What I don't understand is why the option "only allow standby on home window" causes the jump to the home menu if the "power off" button is pressed on the remote? In my opinion, the power scheduler plugin, upon receiving the comand to enter standby, should first save the last used module, then stop LiveTV and then enter standby. Right?
Thanks gibman but unfortunately the provided file does not work.
What happens:
I replaced the file and opened MP. Then I started LiveTV. After a few seconds, I pressed the power off butoon on the remote. Now the LiveTV fullscreen changes to LiveTV window screen and the LiveTV is stoped. And there MP stays (windowed LiveTV with black screen). I then closed MP and had a look into the logs. The server log says something about "powerscheduler plugin blocked standby"....
Logs attached.
Maybe you ask Bavarian to have a look if you are not that familar with PS. I don't want to stress you with this issue here...
The sleep procedure in fullscreen u describe tv is normal.
TV is stopped and u can see it go from fullscreen to tvhome.
This part is normal.
Although it seems like PS is blocking the sleep process simply b/c u r not in home screen.
Try and enter homescreen, then power off .. then I'd guess it work (go to sleep).
I guess if we did avoid having PS resume to home screen, then what would happen when PS wants to standby again ?
This scenario.
1) user start MP from scratch, go to mytv fullscreen,
2) user enters standby in fullscreen tv
3) PS client starts up MP while u r at sleep or while PC is unattended - now TV is resumed in fullscreen.
4) PS does its work...
5) Now PS wants to standby again, since it is done. I wont/cant since it's not in fullscreen TV.
So it will just sit there wasting precious watt.
So the reason why PS "asks" for the home screen is simply because when it has to enter standby mode after it has done it's work - it has to rely on the home screen, which is the only screen permitting it to enter standby mode.
Although I think we should be able to handles this in some way.
core.dll in root of MP dir. ex.
C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\core.dll
and plugin ;
C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Plugins\Process
What it does...
when u go to powerstate (ex. by remote control) then PS will enter home screen, although, it wont be persisted by the "remember last act. module" feature. It simply ignores it.
But I fear that once PS starts, it starts in last module, ex. myvideos.
So the next step will be to check for "what has caused" the power-on ... was it PS or simply the user interactively, ex. the wife wants to see some TV.
We need to differentiate between these 2 situations.
I tested the files you provided and from a user perspective there is no difference.
After pressing the standby button, MP enters the home screen and then standby.
After resume, MP starts up in the home screen and stays there (instead of starting LiveTV).