ShowTimes Plugin Suite V3.4.3 (2017-01-09) (1 Viewer)


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  • June 1, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Hm i have a quest. Is there way that i can have an overlay in basichome screen that show me new movies they come in my cinema. Not all only the new ones.?


    Portal Pro
    August 22, 2011
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Hey, thanks for the great work. Unfortunately I have a crashing MTSA for one particular city in Germany (With name and with postal code as well). The other three are working fine. Please have a look at the log file. :)

    2013-06-17 20.15.21 MovieTimes - Stand Alone (5.3.10)
    2013-06-17 20.15.21
    2013-06-17 20.15.21 Jun 17, 2013 @ 08:15:21
    2013-06-17 20.15.21
    2013-06-17 20.15.21 [SETTINGS] Location: C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MTSA\locations.xml
    2013-06-17 20.15.21 [SETTINGS] Log File: C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MTSA\mtsa.log
    2013-06-17 20.15.21 [SETTINGS] Temp Folder: C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MTSA\Temp\
    2013-06-17 20.15.21 [SETTINGS] Days: 7
    2013-06-17 20.15.21 [SETTINGS] Extra Details IMDB: True
    2013-06-17 20.15.21 [SETTINGS] Extra Details TMDB: True
    2013-06-17 20.15.21 [SETTINGS] FanArt: True
    2013-06-17 20.15.21 [SETTINGS] Poster Folder: C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MTSA\Posters\
    2013-06-17 20.15.21 [SETTINGS] Poster Quality: High
    2013-06-17 20.15.21 [SETTINGS] Trailer Folder: C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MTSA\Trailers\
    2013-06-17 20.15.21 [SETTINGS] Trailer Quality: High
    2013-06-17 20.15.21 [SETTINGS] Trailer Download: False
    2013-06-17 20.15.21 [SETTINGS] Backdrop Folder: C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MTSA\Backdrops\
    2013-06-17 20.15.21 [SETTINGS] BoxOffice Movies: 10
    2013-06-17 20.15.21 [SETTINGS] ComingSoon Movies: 10
    2013-06-17 20.15.21 [SETTINGS] Remove Old Media:True
    2013-06-17 20.15.21 [SETTINGS] Data File: C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MTSA\moviedata.xml
    2013-06-17 20.15.21 [SETTINGS] Schema Data File: C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MTSA\moviedata.xsd
    2013-06-17 20.15.21
    2013-06-17 20.15.21 [SETTINGS] C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MTSA\locations.xml:
    2013-06-17 20.15.21 -------------------------
    2013-06-17 20.15.21 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Locations>Rottweil | Balingen | Villingen | Villingen-Schwenningen</Locations>
    <Active>Bali Kino-Palast|Blue Boxx|Central-Kino Rottweil</Active>
    <Inactive>Kommunales Kino Guckloch Schwarzwald-Baar-Kreis</Inactive>
    2013-06-17 20.15.21 -------------------------
    2013-06-17 20.15.21
    2013-06-17 20.15.21 Checking for internet connection ...
    2013-06-17 20.15.22 Internet connection found.
    2013-06-17 20.15.22
    2013-06-17 20.15.22 Reading: C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\MTSA\locations.xml...
    2013-06-17 20.15.22 Completed.
    2013-06-17 20.15.22
    2013-06-17 20.15.22 Getting theater names for Germany in Rottweil ...
    2013-06-17 20.15.22 Completed.
    2013-06-17 20.15.22
    2013-06-17 20.15.22 Getting theater names for Germany in Balingen ...
    2013-06-17 20.15.22 Completed.
    2013-06-17 20.15.22
    2013-06-17 20.15.22 Getting theater names for Germany in Villingen ...
    2013-06-17 20.15.22 Completed.
    2013-06-17 20.15.22
    2013-06-17 20.15.22 Getting theater names for Germany in Villingen-Schwenningen...


    Portal Pro
    May 23, 2010
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    I have went through the post, but i havn´t found an answer:
    I have two theaters chossen in the configeration, but it only shows me the first to choose. I am using PürVision HD latest.
    Thanks in advance


    Portal Member
    April 14, 2010
    Home Country
    Canada Canada
    @Nephilim: Thanks for your great plugin, but I have an issue using the 1.3.0 RC with your plugin: You write your Settings data into a MediaPortal.xml file in the Program Directory (and not in the Directory specified by MediaportalDirs, aka ProgramData). This results in the following:
    Either I have a MediaPortal.xml file in the Program Files Folder, MP will Crash when it is exited as it tries to write to this file which a user mode app is not allowed to do. Or
    I remove the file, add the settings to the correct MediaPortal.xml file and your plugin constantly pops-up a message that it can not download.

    So 2 things I would suggest to change:
    1. Use the correct MediaPortal.xml file as specified in the MediaPortalDirs.xml
    2. Don't pop-up a message every time the download fails - this makes MP unuseable with your plugin. Also don't try to re-download every 5 seconds.

    Was there any resolution to this post? I have the exact same issue. MediaPortal crashes on exit, using MP 1.3.0 on one machine and using 1.4.0 on another. Figured out it was due to this plugin, then I finally found this post.

    For #2, someone wrote in to turn off "Notify in MP". This doesn't do anything when Showtimes fails. I have it turned off now, and if it can't find the MediaPortal.xml file in the Program Files directory, it spits out this error window every 5-10 seconds.
    Is it possible to change the defaulted location as to where Showtimes is saving to MediaPortal.xml, and follow the MediaPortalDirs.xml locations? Or has anyone tried to enter the location in the MediaPortalDirs.xml?

    Other issue I have is trailers not playing, but that I can work on later. Like to resolve this crashing issue first.

    Oh, both machines are Win 7 Ultimate 64-bit. Showtimes config indicates the save locations in C:\ProgramData\...

    Thanks in advance.


    Portal Member
    April 14, 2010
    Home Country
    Canada Canada
    Well, I did three things to try and resolve this issue.

    First I lowered the UAC to a bare minimum.

    Second, I entered an extra path in the MediaPortalDir.xml file:
    <!-- The Path were all the Config files are located (mediaportal.xml, etc.) -->
    <Dir id = "Config">
    <Path>%ProgramData%\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\</Path>
    <Path>C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\</Path>

    This may or may not have had an affect. I did try %Program Files (x86)% and that didn't seem to work.

    The third thing that i did was right click on the Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal directory and set the "Users" security to have Full Access, Modify and Write capabilities.

    I then did a manual upload to refresh all files. Neither machine has crashed far...knock on wood.:)

    Now the trailer issue. Setup for HD480...not to download, but once in Showtimes, the trailer option is grayed out.


    Portal Member
    April 14, 2010
    Home Country
    Canada Canada
    Re: ShowTimes Plugin Suite V3

    This plugin is working great for me with one exception. If a movie is a remake and/or has the same title (or even similar) title to an older movie, it almost always downloads the wrong poster/fanart.

    A current example is RED: Red (2010) - IMDb

    instead of getting the artwork from the above movie, I am getting artwork from: Red (2008) - IMDb

    It seems it is always defaulting to the artwork for the older film, when logically it should default to the most recent. I've noticed several instances of the same behavior over the last several months, but have never taken the time to report it until now. It seems as if there is at least one other report of the same thing, so I know I'm not the only one.

    This is with the latest versions of MP and StreamedMP

    Thanks, i'll check it ASAP.


    I apologize ahead of time if this issue has been resolved. I only quickly looked through about 1/3 of the posts...skimming to find any post by grooves12 to see if this issue has been dealt with. I'm seeing this same issue now with the movie "The Heat" starring Sandra Bullock. It is bringing up fanart and coverart from the movie "Heat" - 1995 Action/Drama starring Al Pacino and Robert De Niro. The movie description/info is scraped properly, just the fanart/coverart is incorrect.

    Oh, Spud, thanks for the tip, I'll try it out tonight. And Nephilim, this is a great plugin. Thanks for everything.

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