AW: [SKIN PREVIEW] Avalon HD - **Updated images**
Yeahh nice!!!!
But one question:
Ist this a 720p or 1080p Skin?
Yeahh nice!!!!
But one question:
Ist this a 720p or 1080p Skin?
Yeahh nice!!!!
But one question:
Ist this a 720p or 1080p Skin?
Developing is still taking place but we have planned a beta version of Avalon HD in the very, very, very near future.
Expect the first release very, very soon. We had some setbacks the last weeks which resulted in being late with our release.
Expect the first release very, very soon. We had some setbacks the last weeks which resulted in being late with our release.
Expect the first release very, very soon. We had some setbacks the last weeks which resulted in being late with our release.
Any new pics or a video that we can see before the first release? Please Joost, increase the hype even more
Many thanks (to all the Team) for all your work, we will wait patiently
Best regards,
EDIT: Any picture of coverflow that can be shown?
Joostzilla - any thoughts on my suggestion about displaying recorded tv?