Thanks for the details of ITV1-HD... If it is not too much trouble could you post the same for STV?
No problem at all , see attached image
Thanks for the details of ITV1-HD... If it is not too much trouble could you post the same for STV?
When its up and running I'll start a new thread and close this one. As this is still a W.I.P this thread will remain open.
I am not far off completing the Channel quick scan so I should have something by the end of the week.
@Miroslav to implement I have had to change the BouquetisComplete from a bool to int so that a scan can be made for all channel information.
The BAT is scanned to get the TID,NID,SID and Channel ID.
The SDT is scanned for all the other information.
As both need to be scanned I have changed the BouquetComplete to count to 3 then it becomes complete.
It adds 12 seconds to the scan which isn't much of a performance hit as a full Sat scan is 17-20 minutes on 28.2e.
Hi Richard,
The series link should only apply to 1 channel (as the series id for the same episode on another channel is always different as far as I know). Are you sure you didnt create 2 seperate series link schedules (one on each channel?). If you select 'Schedules' from the TV home page, it will list all that are active (series links should be listed as "Series link on BBC HD" for example).
Series link should only record new episodes if the schedule was created over a new episode (as repeated/old airings also have a different series id) - Are you sure the CSI schedule isnt a "Record every time on this/every channel"? as this is different
... Hello.. i'm using your last version and it's great.. i've noticed only a minor issue, nothing special but i want to share.. I see that all the programs across 6.00 am of every day have end time truncated at 6.00. For example if a program starts at 5.50 and ends at 6.50 in the epg is recorded as 5.50-6.00 and there is an hole between 6.00 and 6.50. If program starts at 6.00 all'perfect instead.
Hi g.sigalotti,
Does this happen on every channel and every day where a show runs past the 0600 boundary? Is it definately truncating the program end time - ie Are you sure theres not just a complete programme missing where the gap is? Did this happen with djblu's tswriter?
Has anyone else noticed any gaps anywhere using this new version (UK or Italy)?
Thanks for your help