Frenzy thanks for the great link on features comparison, and it only scratches the surface! A link to that might be helpful on the MP homepage or Features page!
Windows 7 RC1 just came out, and I installed it on my media center. The built-in media center app is much better than the Vista/XPMCE media center. It installs easily and perfectly...with no need to do any custom setup. It also uses almost no resources compaired to MediaPortal. No need for an SQL server, no need for a TVservice that takes 5 minutes to start. This is great news for me and most everyone else...except for the mediaportal staff.
In short, Windows 7 users are better off without MediaPortal.
I'll file this post under the plethora of useless-information posts that that seem to abound on various forums, along various lines including; "macs are better then PC's", "nVidia is better than ATI", "Intel is better than AMD", "Linux is better than Microsoft", each listing all the tiresome reasons why various individuals insist their favorite computing toy is soooo much better than everyone else's.
ps. my mediaportal is better than yours.
ps. my mediaportal is better than yours.
is not