[solved] Stopped capturing live tv (1 Viewer)


Lead Design MP2
  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 11, 2014
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    OK, I think I misinterpreted the word Preview. Yes, got the desktop icon OK and opened Configuration. I see all the channels and attach two screen prints for you to agree all looks OK.
    I'm not using TV myself and do not have a setup. I think you can see the Live-Tv preview under Time shifting, if I'm not wrong.
    I'm curious, if this is working.


    Portal Member
    July 21, 2022
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Just looked at Timeshifting but just text and choosing folders etc. Before my previous two replies I went through all the Configuration menu options looking for a preview facility but found nothing. That didn't surprise me as I have been through them all before when trying to understand how to set the system up on installation.


    Lead Design MP2
  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 11, 2014
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Just looked at Timeshifting but just text and choosing folders etc. Before my previous two replies I went through all the Configuration menu options looking for a preview facility but found nothing. That didn't surprise me as I have been through them all before when trying to understand how to set the system up on installation.
    I used the search function and found a screenshot. Tv-Channels --> bottom button "Preview". I'm away from home until tonight.


    Portal Member
    July 21, 2022
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    My error, sorry. I have that button on that page but don't I've ever tried it. I just did and after a two minute wait of a spinner it gave error message in attached file.

    I have not done option 2 yet. Shall I do it now? Will I lose all the scheduled recordings I have already set up?


    • Preview Error.PNG
      Preview Error.PNG
      9 KB


    Lead Design MP2
  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 11, 2014
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    My error, sorry. I have that button on that page but don't I've ever tried it. I just did and after a two minute wait of a spinner it gave error message in attached file.

    I have not done option 2 yet. Shall I do it now? Will I lose all the scheduled recordings I have already set up?
    The schedules should remain I think, because they are located inthe TV data base whic his stored elsewhere. But I can not give a guarantee.
    Go for option 2 as the TV-server has a generell issue, not only the client.


    Portal Member
    July 21, 2022
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Hi, I followed the instructions. Backed up the contents of C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MP2-Server\SlimTVCore and deleted the contents. Tried a Repair but it failed saying it couldn't. Used Windows Control Panel Programs and Features Uninstaller then reinstalled.
    No change.
    Now, I don't mind losing future schedules that are set up and will try anything to get this working. Keeping my existing recordings is important but I think they exist in two places don't they? If I keep the Recorded TV folder safe, all should be good?


    Lead Design MP2
  • Team MediaPortal
  • January 11, 2014
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    You can see in the Tv Configuration the recording folder. Create a backup, if the folder is in C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\
    Then do following steps:
    • Uninstall MP2 completely
    • Remove the folder C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal (If you want to keep you movie and series collection just keep "Datastore.s3db" in "C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MP2-Server\Database"
    • Reinstall MP2
    • Configure TV: perform a scan and make sure to set the same recording folder as before to have you recordings again


    Portal Member
    July 21, 2022
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    All happening. C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\ deleted. Datastore.s3db placed elsewhere. Uninstall complete. Backup in progress but will take another hour. Then the install and configuration will take me a long time. Will report back when all finished.


    Portal Member
    July 21, 2022
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Unfortunately no improvement.
    Correct country and transmitter chosen. Scanning for stations finds nothing - see attached.
    TV tuner card is found by the PC - see attached.
    Used another device and proved the terrestial aerial is producing a signal.
    Tried the Windows video, TV troubleshooter again but it decided it could not find a problem, again.


    • Channel scan results.PNG
      Channel scan results.PNG
      88.2 KB
    • Device Manager TBS6205.PNG
      Device Manager TBS6205.PNG
      24 KB


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • June 10, 2013
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Correct country and transmitter chosen. Scanning for stations finds nothing
    I use the Rowridge transmitter, and I also have a TBS quad-tuner card (albeit a TBS 6284 in my case). Although my production system is MP1, I do have an MP2 test system, and that tunes successfully.

    When you installed MP2, were you offered a choice of TV Server? Recent releases have offered a choice of three TV Servers:
    • TVE 3.0 ("TV Engine version 3.0")
    • TVE 3.5
    • TV Mosaic
    I tested these recently, and unfortunately TVE 3.5 and TV Mosaic have some serious problems, and so should not be selected when installing MP2. A problem with TVE 3.5 is that it finds no channels when a DVB-T2 tuner is used for the scan. However, a DVB-T tuner does work correctly when scanning for channels. TVE 3.0 should find the channels whichever type of tuner is used.

    Although Rowridge at one time broadcast 9 MUXes, two of them have closed (the ones with frequencies 746 MHz and 754 MHz), and another one has a very low broadcast power (frequency 602 MHz). You need a good aerial to be able to receive this latter MUX. At my location it is too weak to receive.

    The MUXes that you should be able to receive are:
    474, 482, 498, 506, 522, 530 MHz​
    However, you might find that a vertically oriented aerial gives better reception for some of the MUXes than a horizontally oriented aerial. Note that TVs typically have a tuner that is much more sensitive than tuner cards for PCs, so the fact that your TV can receive all channels does not mean that your TBS tuner card will be able to receive all channels.

    -- from CyberSimian in the UK

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