Hi Damien,
Installed your 1.3Beta skin and noticed a few things:
Installed your 1.3Beta skin and noticed a few things:
- WorldWeather plugin shows v0.6.5.0 where i noticed on google code that you updated that to v1.0
- Genre colors all show up black in config (not read from server)
- There was an error in the placement of the ArtistInfo Place of Birth, that's fixed in code, but now the line is a bit longer then before, and it doesn't seem to fit the box, or scroll
- MediaPortal GUI Settings show a number of missing xmls:
- settings_GUI_Skin.xml
- settings_GUI_ScreenSetup.xml
- settings_GUI_MyPictures.xml
- settings_GUI_MyVideos.xml
- settings_GUI_MyMusic.xml
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