Hi im new to mediaportal and am also getting tv stutter (very annoying) im on single seat serverI had the stuttering issue as well. The RelaxTsReaderForBadReception.txt seems to solve my stuttering problem (currently using MP 1.0). Hurrah!
On your Tv client computer, create an empty txt file called "RelaxTsReaderForBadReception.txt" in the root of the C: drive. That's it.
There will be lot more video errors being logged once you do this.
ok. i read the whole thread and now i'm sure i belong to this wagon
RelaxTsReaderForBadReception.txt 'setting' is way to go for me. i have pixelation but it's much more acceptable than stuttering i had before. i selected mainconcept decoder because with nvidia i still had stuttering, much fewer than before although.
this is the thread i'll watch closely in the future, that's for sure.