Support for new DefaultWideHD (8 Viewers)


New Member
December 9, 2023
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Canada Canada
Hi Catavolt!

Sorry, I forgot to mention that I am using the ClassicHome screen.

I tried using the BasicHome screen and it does work there.
It's too bad that it's not possible to use the fireplace on the ClassicHome screen as it would look very nice there.

Thank you for your help! :)


Portal Pro
October 26, 2007
Rainy Washington
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
I was updating some friends Mp yesterday from MP x86 1.31 to MP x86 1.34 and noticed that after updating fanart handler that where the weather icon would be by the date on the home screen (DefaultWideHD skin) there is (#WEATHER) displayed even though they don't have the weather plugin installed, and I skipped the weather part of fanart handler install.


Design Group Manager
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 13, 2007
    Königstein (Taunus)
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    there is (#WEATHER) displayed
    DWHD does not use fanarthandler weather (even didn´t know that it does) ;)
    It uses #WorldWeather.Location: #WorldWeather.TodayCondition and #WorldWeather.TodayIconImage, all from WorldWeather Lite ;)
    So make sure the WorldWeather is setup correct and working, then the display should work as well as expected ;)
    But that´s a good finding (y), I will have to change the instances of this display to only show when WorldWeather is installed and activated ;)

    Pls find attached the BasicHome.xml with the corrected data :)


    • BasicHome.xml
      23 KB
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