Support for Philips Hue System (2 Viewers)


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  • January 7, 2006
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    That's odd, can you post your atmowin configuration which is located here:

    < your Atmowin folder>\Settings\AtmoWinX.xml

    Made a new version of Atmo Hue which writes an "debug.log" file in your Atmo Hue folder when running, can you install the below version and post the "debug.log" file when it has run for a while as well?
    Best to not leave it running for long with this version as the debug logs can get pretty big.

    Atmo Hue 0.004:


    MP Donator
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  • January 7, 2006
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    The device type is reporting invalid when I use that Atmowin config, which device type are you using within Atmowin?
    When I select the Device "Dummy" with Effect active "Live" with that config it does seem to work, for instance if you display an single color image and span that >50% of the screen it will report that color in the debug.log:

    Atmowin information -> R = 237 / G = 28 / B = 33 / CHANNELS = 4 <--- bright red >50% of screen
    HUE information -> ED1C21
    Completed sending color #ED1C21 to Hue Bridge

    Will check the XBMC version to see if there might be any color corrections needed but didn't see any mention of that in the Hue API documentation.
    You can also try the Effect "Color changer" or "Static color" and see if that works ok.
    Currently it's meant to run in conjunction with another ambilight setup (SEDU/Atmoduino for instance) but can always make it standalone, shouldn't matter for testing though.
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  • March 24, 2010
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    Denmark Denmark
    Well i got this to work :oops: ...The lights have to be turned up all the way, before you start sending color ID to the hue lamps. I made a little video of how it reacts :).


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  • June 11, 2007
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Is this plugin just working the hue lights as if they were the atmos lights, changing colour to match whats on the screen?

    What would be cool would be listening for keyboard presses (light multishortcutter does) and changing the lights to a predefined theme :) Wouldn't have to reach for the iphone or the huetap then :)


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  • January 7, 2006
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    Well i got this to work :oops: ...The lights have to be turned up all the way, before you start sending color ID to the hue lamps. I made a little video of how it reacts :).

    Awesome :D , seems a bit slow on the color change but you might be able to tweak the scan interval some more (~250ms for instance).
    Will look into the brighness as that might have an different option, if not I'll add an increase brightness option which does % over the RGB colors.

    Is this plugin just working the hue lights as if they were the atmos lights, changing colour to match whats on the screen?

    What would be cool would be listening for keyboard presses (light multishortcutter does) and changing the lights to a predefined theme :) Wouldn't have to reach for the iphone or the huetap then :)

    Can be done, could make an pre-defined key list in the app and assign HEX/RGB colors to that but only problem might be that it needs to log all keys even when it's in the background which could trigger some AV programs.

    Does multishorter have the ability to launch programs with parameters?
    Might be shorter route as I can make an helper program which just pushes color commands to the Hue Bridge.
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  • June 11, 2007
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    I'll have a look when I'm back home. It lets you assign and key you like and add modifiers ie. ALT + CTRL + SHIFT (or any combination of those) + yourkey, that way you don't have to use any common MePo keys. Can't remember if it can pass parameters but will look :)
    Be nice if you could set up a few scenes and then map each to different key presses - awesome in fact! I'm guessing the API allows overall scene brightness increases and decreases? Bind a key to each of those functions and we could practically banish the iphone app! :)

    Yes, it passes parameters also. So I guess your architecture is to make Shortcut'er handle watching the key presses and pass the parameter to your helper app? Sounds great, shortcutt'er v2 ->'er-Plugin-V2.121721/
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    MP Donator
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  • January 7, 2006
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Found the function to change brightness so will add that, gonna add an color wheel where you can choose colors so you don't need any external app/site to determine the exact HEX/RGB value and save that as an pre-defined scene/color.

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