So - I got myself now a hue too - what I see is that for example trying the RGB rotation build in the colors do not switch but chump from one to another and it looks like it's trying to get up with the data send - but even when going down to 1000 ms it's not switching every second but jumps aroud red green blue like it's trying to catch teh send colour.
I tried to play with the delay and every below 2300ms makes the hue go crazy (as soon as the color send is not the colour displayd - so when red is send and than blue and hue sets red when blue was already set the game is lost. At one point the hue stats acting randomly even when nothing is send anymore.
Hm - also seems as when it starts monitoring and atmowin is not running - not delivering any values (0/0/0/ channels) it rather immediatly starts to hung and sends a flash every 2 seconds or so - i need to reset the controller to get rif of this.
May I suggest instead of sending 0/0/0 to the controller (like when Atmowin is not running or set to do nothing - normally it's only delivery values when a conent is played) sending a preset colour?
No idea if there is anything about the speed the data is send - but I don't think it's the delay everyone speaks about - the delay itself is visible when you look at teh colour send and how long it takes for being displayed (for mey feeling it's abround these 200 to 500 ms). But the speed the data itself is send seems also to be rather limited.
Also - no idea if this is even possible - but is there also a value for the brightness? It would be cool if this could also changed accordingly to the video.