Test version of 0.4.3 (2 Viewers)


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  • August 29, 2009
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    I'm not sure what you are trying to do. There is no reason why you'll want the service to run on port 443. The service itself doesn't support HTTPS, so running it on port 443 doesn't make it more secure.

    If you are concerned about the passwords going in clear-text over the internet, I would run WebMP with IIS on HTTPS, and don't expose the service to the internet. This means that the passwords are send encrypted from the client to WebMP.


    Portal Pro
    April 27, 2009
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    I am testing the streaming function in WebMediaPortal now. It works for a few seconds, after that, it just stops playing. I think this is because it does not buffer the video stream.. So, there must be some buffering feature in the player. Is this planned in the feature release?

    And another thing.. When I am on the streaming page (with flash player), the MPExtended.Libraries.VLCWrapper.exe-process is taking up about 100% CPU. Doesn't seem right?


    Portal Member
    June 16, 2009
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    United States of America United States of America
    I was under the impression that WebMP and the Service worked in conjunction with each on the same ports. Sorry for the confusion i will try to run only WebMP on port 443.

    Running IIS and WebMP on port 443 worked while leaving the MPservice on the other port.
    Thanks for your help sorry for confusion.



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  • December 8, 2005
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    Sweden Sweden
    Yesterday I installed 0.4.3 and got everything working on the first try, wohooo! :)
    I got it working on my local network and over the internet, testclients are Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 (LAN), HTC Desire S2 (3G Internet), Firefox and Chrome on Windows XP and Windows 7 over LAN and over Internet - everything just work :LOL:

    I can see that there is some users don't know what to install where or in what order, so during my install I logged everything I did resulting in this checklist. I have one HTPC (SingleSeat) so things are pretty simple, you can view my System Specs on my profile. Everything that is installed is only installed on MyHTPC, no software is installed anywhere else.

    00 reboot MyHTPC (just to make sure that there are no filelocks or pending reboots and stuff)
    01 install .NET Framework 4.0 (make no changes, just yes next ok install)
    02 install IIS Express (make no changes, just yes next ok install)
    03 install MPExtended Service 0.4.3 select SingleSeat
    04 install WebMediaPortal 0.4.3 (make no changes, just yes next ok install)

    Start your webbbrowser and go to http://localhost:8080 Login using admin admin. Hit settings tab and change the password (this is important, we will open access from the internet so do change the password. Also never use this account over the internet, user+pass sent in clear text! Create a new account, log off and logon using your new account.

    Hit the settings tab and make sure that Stream type is set to Direct when possible, proxied otherwise.

    From another client on your local network try accessing the website using by opening the browser of you choice http://MyHTPC:8080 or http://ip-adress-of-pc:8080, for me it just worked :)

    Time to get access from Internet. I have a domain and DNS already setup, so I can access other parts of MyHTPC over the internet by using http://MyHTPC.mydomain.se:port, you can get this done using dyndns or other solutions, but you need to get this done first or you will need to use your external IP address to get access - get it?

    I went in to my firewall and opened port 8080 to the local IP of MyHTPC, from my phone (only using 3G so I was on the internet) I opened http://MyHTPC.mydomain.se:8080, logged on and started streaming.

    The list above is exactly what I did, I had everything up and running in less than an hour! Now, I cant say anything about stability or previous versions, this is my first test and I'm amazed how simple it was and really impressed with you work - thank you! :)


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 29, 2009
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    FYI: I just did a proper release of 0.4.3. People who already installed the test version from this post don't have to upgrade, nothing has been changed.


    Retired Team Member
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  • October 29, 2005
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    Hungary Hungary
    Hi Oxan,

    how far is the version 0.5? Weeks or months?



    MP Donator
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  • January 5, 2008
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    It seems some 29 issues to be solved :)


    Retired Team Member
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  • August 29, 2009
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    I'd say somewhere end-May, but I'm known for not meeting deadlines ;)


    It seems some 29 issues to be solved :)
    You probably wanted this link: https://github.com//MPExtended/issues?sort=created&direction=desc&state=open&page=1&milestone=2


    Portal Member
    November 28, 2009
    Can I start the webclient in a local Network without authentication ?

    simlar as http://username:password@localhost:8080

    or what different authentication mode values ar possible in web.config

    <authentication mode="Forms">
    <forms loginUrl="~/Account/LogOn" timeout="2880" />


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