Testbuilds for Native MP2 TV - Updated for 10th AE Update 1 (2014-09-13)! (1 Viewer)


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  • March 24, 2007
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    MediaPortal 2 Native TV solution - Test builds
    Please read our wiki page TV_support for a description of the different operation modes first!

    This thread is intended for testing the latest developments of both TVE35 and the MP2 integration.

    All work for a native MP2 solution is based on @gibman's rework of the MP1-TVengine 3. Many features of @mm1352000 (hardware plugins) are already merged into this build. A lot more ideas and work in pending... :)

    This build of MP2 does not require any components of MP1 to be installed, nor MPExtended as connection.

    What you need to know
    • You need all MP2 requirements
    • You don't need to have MP1-TvServer installed
    • It does not interfere with MP1-TvServer if it is installed
    • This "new" TV engine runs inside MP2-Server as a plugin.
    • In principle there are multiple databases supported (SQLite, MSQL, MySQL, MSSQL-CE). This build uses the SQLite with provides DB functions without installation of other services.
    • This build does not use MP1 database, so there is no risk of corruptions!
    • The first builds are still to be seen as "very experimental" and will probably show some issues.
    2014-01-17: http://tinyurl.com/nu95p88
    2014-01-26: http://tinyurl.com/qy289dh
    2014-02-15: http://tinyurl.com/odb9yyh

    2014-09-12: https://www.team-mediaportal.com/mediaportal-2-download + https://www.team-mediaportal.com/extensions/slimtv-nativetv

    How to install

    Run the .msi, it installs a MP 2 Alpha 4 including the NativeTV plugins. This version works with the SQLite. No further configuration is required, the NativeTV plugin detects everything by itself.

    How to run
    • Stop MP1-TVService if installed! You TV card will be locked otherwise...
    • Run the MP2-Server
    • Run the contained SetupTV, do a channel scan. SetupTV is located in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MP2-Server\Plugins\SlimTv.Service\SetupTv\SetupTV.exe"
    • Run MP2-Client, enter SlimTvClient
    Features that are expected to work
    • Loading channel groups, channels, program guide
    • Timeshifting
    • PiP
    • Scheduling of recordings (single programs, extended series schedules)
    Features that will not work
    All other TvServer plugins (that are not included) won't work inside MP2-Server yet. The reason is the changed database access layer (EntityFramework) and changed class/interface structure requires plugins to be rebuilt.
    Known Issues
    • ATSC support can be considererd as broken, as the code part is "work in progress" and not finished.
    • Analog support: this build does not contain any 3rd party MPEG encoder. Analog tuner will only work if there is one of the supported encoders installed (registered) before. If MP1-TvServer is installed on same PC, it works (MP1 delivers one)
    • Channel scanning is very slow currently (ongoing changes under the hood, more detailed channel scan). This will be improved later.
    • No link to SetupTV.exe in start menu currently, requires manual run from explorer
    • "Watch current recording from beginning" only works in single seat for now (or for UNC recording folders), as no streaming is implemented yet
    Finding errors
    If something does not work as expected, there are two places where to look for required information. Please look for:
    • C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MP2-Server\Log\*.log
    Screenshots of version 2014-01-17 ("post Alpha 4")
    01_TvHome.jpg 02_GuideExtSched.jpg 03_ExtScheduleProgs.jpg 04_SeriesOptions.jpg 05_Guide_Scheduled.jpg 06_ManageSchedules.jpg 07_ManageSchedules.jpg 08_CancelEpisodes.jpg 09_OSD_LiveTv.jpg 10_RecordCurrent.jpg
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    Retired Team Member
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  • March 24, 2007
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    Change log:


    • Improved MultiChannel guide:
      • click on channel name brings you to single channel guide
      • time +/- now skips whole days
      • added "extended schedule" program action
    • New "extended schedule" screen (WiP!)
      • Show all programs with selected title (on all channels)
      • Schedule single recording by simple click on title
      • Coming soon: create series schedule like in MP1
    • New feature: play recording from beginning
      • Known issue: Only working in single seat currently, as the local filename is used
    • Improved channel zapping:
      • Black screen gets rendered while zapping
      • TsReader OnZap is now called
      • Known issue: on card changes the player is completely exchanged, this can cause short flash in of background
    • MPExtended provider:
      • optimized connection check, removed one roundtrip
    • NativeTV provider:
      • Fixed reconnection after server dis-/reconnected
      • Added program duplicates filtering
    • Known issue: on card changes the player is completely exchanged, this can cause short flash in of background
    • MPExtended provider:
      • Auto reconnect after settings changed
      • Trim names/IP to build proper URIs
      • Added NativieTv provider as "conflicting plugin", so none will be enabled
      • Known issue: canceling single episodes of series schedule is not working
      Native TV:
      • Bugfixes (duplicated programs, handling of canceled schedules, idle EPG grabber/tuning details)
      • Added MPExtended provider as "conflicting plugin", so none will be enabled
    • Skins:
      • Fixed missing thumbnails in Videos and Recordings view
    • New feature:
      • added series recording
    • Client:
      • New "Schedules management" screen (delete full schedule, delete single programs)
      • Changed "chapter" handling to store list of recent tuned channels
      • Added "Record now" to fullscreen TV
    • Skins:
      • Added series recording indicator
      • Some small layout improvements
    • Client:
      • Improved loading of now/next programs of complete channel group (server side batch processing to reduce network roundtrips)
      • Fixed updating of programs state in home screen
    • Native TV:
      • Fixed channel preview in SetupTV (missing TsReader)
      • Fixed deletion of channel groups
      • Added missing MPFileWriter, MPIPTVSource
      • Added missing SoftwareEncoders to database
      • Refreshed all TuningDetails from recent TVE35 master branch
    • No TV related changes!
    • Bugfixes
    • New "RefreshRateChanger" plugin included!
    • No code changes, only rebuild for MP2 10th Anniversary Edition
    2014-04-29 (Update 1)
    • Added missing SQLite database template file to SlimTv.Service plugin
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    Portal Pro
    February 15, 2011
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    Belgium Belgium
    Hi morpheus,

    I have already installed the mysql database, can I use the ms sql database on the same machine.


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  • October 5, 2004
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    I have already installed the mysql database, can I use the ms sql database on the same machine.
    Hi jehe,
    • It does not interfere with MP1-TvServer if it is installed
    • In principle there are multiple databases supported (MSQL, MySQL, MSSQL-CE). This build uses the MSQL-CE, with provides DB functions without installation of other services. The location for the DB file is fixed at "C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MP2-Server\TVE35.sdf"
    • This build does not use MP1 database, so there is no risk of corruptions!
    You already have MySQL ? Does not matter ;)
    The db used by this build is not the full blown MS-SQL db. It is only a MS SQL-CE, which does not need any installation at all. Everything is included inside the zip-file. So give it a go ;)

    If you have MySQL because of an installed MP1-TVServer only important thing is:
    How to run
    • Stop MP1-TVService if installed!
    • Run the MP2-Server
    • Run the contained SetupTV, do a channel scan
    • Run MP2-Client, enter SlimTvClient
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    Portal Pro
    October 15, 2010
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    Germany Germany
    Schade, unter Windows 8 scheint es nicht zu funktionieren. Bekomme gleich eine Fehlermeldung beim Starten des Servers. Und in der Log steht:
    [2012-11-24 10:50:22,788] [1544 ] [Main ] [INFO ] - PluginManager: Plugin 'SQLCEDatabase' (id '2a8624ca-6e65-414f-a0db-22fb62a36dc7') activated.
    [2012-11-24 10:50:22,788] [1544 ] [Main ] [DEBUG] - PluginManager: Trying to enable plugin 'Tve3RecordingMetadataExtractor' (id '89f8dd04-1cd5-4f78-8105-6979157e8936')
    [2012-11-24 10:50:22,788] [1544 ] [TVService] [ERROR] - * ERROR, OS can't be used for MediaPortal *
    [2012-11-24 10:50:22,788] [1544 ] [TVService] [ERROR] - *******************************************
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    Retired Team Member
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  • March 24, 2007
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    Seems like we need to merge the win8 commit of MP1 into this branch soon. I will take a while, because we are currently cleaning up the branches


    MP Donator
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  • September 8, 2007
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    Hi, can you change some pathes from C: to %systemroot (my Win isnt on C: )

    I got it working, but i only see blocks, no clear Picture
    (mal auf deutsch: Es funtioniert alles, nur ich bekomme kein flüssiges Bild rüber nur Blöcke und Ruckler, wobei Ruckler kann man das nicht nennen, eher Standblocke :) )

    Win 7 x64
    Cine s2
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    Retired Team Member
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  • July 25, 2010
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    logs are always good :p Without logs nobody can help you^^


    Retired Team Member
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    There are NO hardcoded paths, so if your system drive is E or F just copy the contents of the archive there :)

    If you see much blocking this could mean that you have a bad signal. You can also change the video codec inside settings.

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