Out of curiosity is there going to be any support for Titan Extended? Basically the stuff I reported above about SubCentral makes the plugin unusable with Titan since you can't choose best matching subtitles without seeing the subtitle name.
Out of curiosity is there going to be any support for Titan Extended? Basically the stuff I reported above about SubCentral makes the plugin unusable with Titan since you can't choose best matching subtitles without seeing the subtitle name.
Not much has been done lately for several reasons. Everybody can follow the Titan Extended development here: https://github.com/MediaPortal/TitanExtendedOut of curiosity is there going to be any support for Titan Extended? Basically the stuff I reported above about SubCentral makes the plugin unusable with Titan since you can't choose best matching subtitles without seeing the subtitle name.
I agree that it is taking too long now. However, team Titan seems to have another policy about this. In my opinion it would be better to release updates more frequently, and keep this updates smaller instead of releasing big updates only 3 times a year by example. I'm shure that a lot of work has been done allready, but we still can't benivite from it as there are other things not completed yet. (I guess, otherwise there was a release allready)
You can ofc provide fixes and post them here....I have asked the team if they needed my help, but they want to do it with just a few persons. That way ik takes a lot more time to get things done.