ok so going into online videos, updating the site list, (cue mediaportal crash?), then reloading mediaportal, playing a youtube video in online videos, then going back to moving pictures...
now i can stream trailers from moving pictures (couldn't before)... so i am guessing the trailers plugin is going to be working again now (thanks)
i presume deleting the relevant movie entries from movingpictures.xml in the trailers program data directory will make the plugin try to download the trailers again?
Is anyone else having trouble with the trailers plugin recently? I'm finding that none of my movies are being found any more - everything returns <IsValid>False results - even movies that have previously been correctly matched and had trailers downloaded.
I can see some changes to what OnlineVideos returns to me for playback options which I use to determine the quality of videos and whether it suits your preferred options in the trailers plugin.
e.g. I may get back something like this for a URL:
"1280x720 | (22)"
But was expecting to see something like:
"1280x720 | mp4"
I need to determine if this is due to me having an outdated onlinevideos plugin, a change to the way onlinevideos API works or a bug in OnlineVideos.
@doskabouter do you know much about hosterBase.GetPlaybackOptions(url)), has there been some changes in that lately ?
@DHosein I published a new release v1.3.0.1 which will be less strict when checking for preferred quality video downloads e.g. instead of checking for "1280x720 | mp4" I just check for "1280x", this has a risk of non mp4 downloads but I think that is unlikely anyway.