TV Series Action Menu Enhancement (1 Viewer)


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  • January 30, 2008
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    England England
    I'm used to using the 'i (F9)' context menu for frequently performed actions in MPTVSeries. However, StreamedMP has the wonderful slide in Action Menu, that currently only has 'Switch View' as an MPTVSeries option. Would it be possible for some of the more frequently used options to be added to the menu?

    I imagine a lot of people are using the Fanart option. Other options that could be popular are 'Rate this series', 'Add to Favourites', 'Delete', 'Play Random Episode' & one that I use alot 'Force Local Scan' (tangent: What's the difference between 'Force Local Scan' and 'Force Online Refresh'? They both seem to result in new episodes being added to the database).

    Does MPTVSeries make these functions available as buttons, or is the context menu and it's functions hardcoded into the plugin itself?


    Community Plugin Dev
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  • June 10, 2007
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    Australia Australia
    These will need to be added as controls in the plugin, then the skin can expose them. I will be making some more popular choices available for v2.2

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