TV Server prevents manual standby (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
February 13, 2007
Hi there,

I'm using Mediaportal 1.

TV Server doesn't allow me to manually put my PC in standby by pushing the power off button on my keyboard even when it is idle (I have to stop the service before I can do this).

Is this normal? If so, are there any solutions?

Thanks for your help,



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  • January 26, 2006
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    Is this normal? If so, are there any solutions?

    depends on your configuration.

    You can configure TV server not to go to standby when e.g. EPG grabbing is active.
    Please check in Server configuration....




    Portal Pro
    February 13, 2007
    Nice Dog!

    I've fiddled around a bit - I think it was another application preventing standby, not TV Server after all.

    Thanks anyway.


    Portal Pro
    September 14, 2008
    Home Country
    Spain Spain
    TV Server doesn't allow me to manually put my PC in standby by pushing the power off button on my keyboard even when it is idle (I have to stop the service before I can do this).

    I am also experiencing this problem. I cannot put it in standby while watching TV; it does nothing when TV server is working.

    The tv.log file shows these lines that I think that have something to do with my problem:

    2009-01-21 23:54:18.890625 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread 537
    2009-01-21 23:54:18.890625 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread 537
    2009-01-21 23:54:18.890625 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread 537
    2009-01-21 23:54:18.890625 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread 537
    2009-01-21 23:54:28.562500 [PowerEventThread]: OnPowerEvent: PowerStatus: QuerySuspend
    2009-01-21 23:54:28.562500 [PowerEventThread]: OnPowerEventHandler: PowerStatus: QuerySuspend
    2009-01-21 23:54:28.562500 [PowerEventThread]: PowerStatus:QuerySuspend rejected by TvService.Service1
    2009-01-21 23:54:34.890625 [PowerEventThread]: OnPowerEvent: PowerStatus: QuerySuspend
    2009-01-21 23:54:34.890625 [PowerEventThread]: OnPowerEventHandler: PowerStatus: QuerySuspend
    2009-01-21 23:54:34.890625 [PowerEventThread]: PowerStatus:QuerySuspend rejected by TvService.Service1

    And the MediaPortal.log and error.log show (I have translated some strings from Spanish between square brackets):
    2009-01-21 23:53:49.265625 [Info.][MPMain]: Unable to start plugin:
    MediaPortal.Plugins.Process.PowerSchedulerClientPlugin exception:System.Net.WebException: 
    No es posible conectar con el servidor remoto [[I]Unable to connect to the remote server[/I]] ---> 
    System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No se ha podido establecer conexin ya que el equipo de destino ha denegado activamente dicha conexin 
    [[I]No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it[/I]]
       en System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoConnect(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)
       en System.Net.Sockets.Socket.InternalConnect(EndPoint remoteEP)
       en System.Net.ServicePoint.ConnectSocketInternal(Boolean connectFailure, Socket s4, Socket s6, Socket& socket, 
            IPAddress& address, ConnectSocketState state, IAsyncResult asyncResult, Int32 timeout, Exception& exception)
       --- Fin del seguimiento de la pila de la excepcin interna [[I]End of inner exception stack trace[/I]] --- 
    Server stack trace: 
       en System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()
       en System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Http.HttpClientTransportSink.ProcessAndSend(IMessage msg, 
            ITransportHeaders headers, Stream inputStream)
       en System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Http.HttpClientTransportSink.ProcessMessage(IMessage msg, 
            ITransportHeaders requestHeaders, Stream requestStream, ITransportHeaders& responseHeaders, Stream& responseStream)
       en System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.SoapClientFormatterSink.SyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg)
    Exception rethrown at [0]: 
       en System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)
       en System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)
       en TvEngine.PowerScheduler.Interfaces.IPowerController.RegisterRemote(String standbyHandlerURI, String wakeupHandlerURI)
       en MediaPortal.Plugins.Process.PowerScheduler.OnResume()
       en MediaPortal.Plugins.Process.PowerScheduler.Start()
       en MediaPortal.Plugins.Process.PowerSchedulerClientPlugin.Start()
       en MediaPortal.GUI.Library.PluginManager.Start()

    I have also check the TV Server Configuration / plugins / PowerScheduler: "Prevent standby when grabbing EPG" is not checked and the only "processes which can prevent standby" are SetupTV and Configuration (I have also checked removing both).

    Any ideas? Why the TvService is rejecting the power event?
    djm66: could you give us more information about your solution? What application was the guilty?



    Portal Pro
    February 13, 2007
    Hi there Mrspock,

    Tvserver powerscheduler seems quite powerful and will prevent manual standby if not configured properly. One of the problems I had was accidentally setting the option so that tvserver would only permit standby between certain hours of the day (see powerscheduler options)... outside of those hours, tvserver won't even let you perform a manual standby (which I think it should really - ideally you should be able to enter manual standby at anytime).

    I also had a seperate problem - another application was preventing manaual standby for some reason (a torrent downloader).

    That's all fixed now... tvserver should allow you to put your pc in manual standby if configured properly. I don't know whether it allows you to enter standby whilst operating mediaportal, perhaps that depends on mediaportal powerscheduler client options...

    Good luck, maybe someone will make sense of your logs.


    Portal Pro
    September 14, 2008
    Home Country
    Spain Spain
    more info on powerscheduler unable to hibernate

    I have try different powerschedulers configurations. My actual configuration is:

    • [X]Shutdown client after being idle 5 minutes
    • [ ]Only allow standby when on home window
    • Shutdown mode: Hibernate
    • [ ]Forced shutdown
    • [ ]Enable extensive logging
    -TVServer Power Scheduler Configuration:
    • [X]Shutdown client after being idle 5 minutes
    • [X]Wakeup server for various wakeup events
    • Shutdown mode: Hibernate
    • Only allow standby between 0 and 24 o'clock
    • [ ]Forced shutdown
    • [ ]Enable extensive logging
    • Pre-wakeup time: 60
    • Pre-no-shutdown time: 300
    • Check interval: 60
    • [ ]Reinitialize service on wakeup
    • [ ]Prevent standby when grabbing EPG
    • [ ]Wakeup system for EPG grabbing on 00:00
    • [ ]Monday
    • [ ]Tuesday
    • [ ]...
    • [ ]Sunday
    • Run command before internal handlers are triggered: ____
    • Processes which can prevent standby: SetupTV, Configuration

    But I still think that the main problem is the exception when launching the PowerSchedulerClientPlugin. Although when I disable the Power Scheduler Client plugin, there is no exception of course, but still does not hibernate when TV Server is on.

    In addition, I have find in Windows "event viewer: system" the following warning:
    Source Win32k, event Id: 240: "A petition to suspend the energy has been denied by TvService.exe".

    Am I the only one with this problem?

    Thanks to everybody reading this.


    New Member
    December 15, 2008
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Mr Spock,

    I don't think I can help you but I have had a similar issue. I noticed that my machine no longer hibernated properly after installing mediaportal. When I asked my machine to hibernate, the screen would switch off but the pc remained fully powered up. When I moved the mouse, the logon screen appeared instantly. In my case, I have not enabled the powerscheduler. Also, I tried stopping the TVService to see if that made any difference: Hibernate still did not work properly.

    My issue sounds a little bit different to yours but I'll explain what I did in case it helps anyone. I'm using Vista 64 Ultimate.

    Having read your post, I checked out the event viewer to see if I had the same problem as you. I looked for occasions when I had asked the machine to hibernate and found no evidence of any errors or warnings, just something about entering "Away Mode".

    When I looked closely at Control Panel, Power Options, Change Plan Settings, Change Advanced Power Settings, I noticed "Away Mode" mentioned under "Multimedia Settings" and I realised what had happened. I had selected "Allow the computer to enter Away Mode" when sharing media. This allows other computers on the network to continue to access shared media on my computer by preventing a full hibernation. You can change it to "Allow the computer to Sleep". In my case, I disabled the media sharing instead and now my machine does hibernate properly.

    Hope that helps someone.



    Portal Pro
    September 14, 2008
    Home Country
    Spain Spain
    Thanks floater.

    But you are right. I am using W XP 32bits, so that option does not exist.

    Anyway, I am still thinking that the problem is the powerschedulerclientplugin exception, that prevents it to load, so it is disabled.

    I think that I am going to reinstall MP 1.0 again (when I could find enought time...) and see what happens.



    MP Donator
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  • March 27, 2009
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    Hi mrspcock!

    I'm having the same problem, though I have not tried yet to disable the Powerscheduler plugin. If I close the TVService, it enters suspend mode, but if the TVService is running, it doesn't do it.

    I'll tell you if I find something...


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