TV Server prevents manual standby (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
May 14, 2007
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Czech Republic Czech Republic
Hello, I am experiencing the same problem (QuerySuspend rejected by TvService). PowerScheduler is turned on and active.
Has anyone any information how to fix/aviod it? I found that when I turn off TV tuner in Mediaportal TV menu, suspend succeeds. But it is extremelly annoying to enter the menu and turn tuner manually off every time I want to suspend my HTPC. Thanks for any info.


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  • January 26, 2006
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    Germany Germany
    Hello, I am experiencing the same problem (QuerySuspend rejected by TvService). PowerScheduler is turned on and active.
    Has anyone any information how to fix/aviod it? I found that when I turn off TV tuner in Mediaportal TV menu, suspend succeeds. But it is extremelly annoying to enter the menu and turn tuner manually off every time I want to suspend my HTPC. Thanks for any info.

    I don't really understand your issue. I'll try to interpret what you do:
    -Watch TV
    -Hit "Stop" (B) -TV Stops
    - go back to home Menu
    - Leave MP there for the setup amout of time for powerscheduler
    - MP should go to sleep bu does not


    I don't know what you mean by "turn off TV tuner", that's why I assumed what you do...

    If not, please try the above. :)




    Portal Member
    May 14, 2007
    Home Country
    Czech Republic Czech Republic
    Hello, sorry for misunderstanding. My scenario is following:
    1. Watching TV
    2. Pressing Power Off button on my remote (or power on/off button on the HTPC case)
    3. HTPC does not go to sleep with QuerySuspend rejected by TvService messages in the log.

    In order to get HTPC to sleep, I need to do this:
    1. Watching TV
    2. Pressing Exit to exit full screen TV (I get into this screen):

    3. Pressing "TV On" to turn off the TV
    4. Then I can press Power Off button and HTPC goes to sleep

    You can imagine how unfriendly it is when I just want to turn off HTPC.


    MP Donator
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  • January 26, 2006
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    Germany Germany
    yes, that's exactly the expected behavior.

    You need to stop Live Tv before MP can go to standby. I setup a makro on my remote (Harmony One) which does this: "exit" - "Stop" - "exit": MP then is on Homescreen and will suspend after the setup time.

    sorry, but no bug -> feature :)




    Portal Member
    May 14, 2007
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    Czech Republic Czech Republic
    Excuse me, but I feel like on Microsoft Support Line, calling this feature and not bug. Is any logical reason why MP doesn't stop Live TV when received Sleep command? I can hardly imagine that users preffer to manually turn off Live TV to be able to turn off HTPC. Thanks for the answer.


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 7, 2005
    Excuse me, but I feel like on Microsoft Support Line, calling this feature and not bug. Is any logical reason why MP doesn't stop Live TV when received Sleep command? I can hardly imagine that users preffer to manually turn off Live TV to be able to turn off HTPC. Thanks for the answer.

    TvServer doesn't have any clue what program is requesting the shutdown when you are pressing the remote control's standby button. This information is provided with Windows API and it could be some 3rd party application that is behaving "badly" and is requesting the standby when TV is on.

    So, what you are seeing is actually expected behavior. You can configure MP to automatically shutdown when no playback is ongoing and MP is in idle mode in the home screen. Then just stop the TV by stop button on remote and then press green button (on MCE remote) to go to the home screen. Takes two extra key presses, that cannot be that bad?

    What comes to MS "hotline" are you sure that you would have received any kind of feedback to your query? :p


    MP Donator
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  • January 26, 2006
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    Germany Germany
    excuse me, but I feel a little bit like the microsoft hotline aswell (but I am not, as a matter of fact I am only a user aswell), when you approach me/us like that.
    However I try to explain, what I think might be the reason for this:
    I think the most logical explanation is that the sleep command is a system thing, not a MP "function".
    So I guess the developers wanted to prevent the user to shut of the system e.g. when a recording is done.
    Also the system is only suspending when idle, which makes perfectly sense, at least in my case.

    On the other hand, why don't you just hit "stop", and configure MP that it will suspend even if not on Homescreen. So that would be one hit of a button more, well... yeah...

    cheers ;)


    tourettes: you were first, man :)


    Portal Member
    May 14, 2007
    Home Country
    Czech Republic Czech Republic
    Thanks a lot for the explanation. I disagree with you about the "function" and "system thing". My point of view is that MP abstracts user from the underlying OS. Beeing only user interface, it should have the possibility to be turned off ANY time. Because MP acts as multimedia center (primarily TV/video/music player), I can compare it to the single-purpose devices. And I cannot image any, let's say, SONY or Panasonic TV/DVD player which ignores "turn off" command if it is not in specified state to be turned off.

    I can perfectly imagine that when MP receives something like PBT_APMQUERYSUSPEND message, it just can turn off Live TV automatically. There can be, of course, legacy reasons why it can't be made this way.

    BTW, the current behaviour when MP/TV-server silently cancels Sleep command even without notifying user what happened and why HTPC didn't go to sleep, seems to me pretty bad too.

    So I guess the developers wanted to prevent the user to shut of the system e.g. when a recording is done.
    Also the system is only suspending when idle, which makes perfectly sense, at least in my case.
    It makes perfectly sense to me too with one exception. From my point of view, system is being idle when it does not perform any automated task. And system should be able to distinguish between automated task (like active recording) which SHOULD prevent system from sleep and normal, user task, like active movieplayer, TV or teletext screen, which should be turned off IMHO before sleep.

    On the other hand, why don't you just hit "stop", and configure MP that it will suspend even if not on Homescreen. So that would be one hit of a button more, well... yeah...
    Because my family has learned that all devices (TV, HTPC, A/V receiver) turns off with just one keypress on Logitech Harmony. I try to keep it simple. And I - personally - preffer not to do an extra steps. I will look at the MP sources and see what can I do with this.


    Portal Pro
    March 12, 2006
    Since i upgrade to MP 1.0.2 i cannot put into manual standbye mode! It is a regression. I use this option! No matter about wrong configuration, i have made nothing more than just upgrade and now it does not work anymore. It is very annoying that an upgrade make some regressions.
    If i kill tvserver process i can standbye (either with MP running or not).
    Very very annoying.


    Portal Pro
    March 12, 2006
    yes, that's exactly the expected behavior.

    You need to stop Live Tv before MP can go to standby. I setup a makro on my remote (Harmony One) which does this: "exit" - "Stop" - "exit": MP then is on Homescreen and will suspend after the setup time.

    sorry, but no bug -> feature :)




    sorry but this feature does not work for me. I upgrade to 1.0.2 and since i cannot enter MP to sleep anymore, either with stopping live tv and go back home menu or enter manually into sleep. Furthermore, when i leave MP to go back to windows desktop i cannot enter as well into stanbye by the classic way (start menu -> stop -> sleep mode). I have to kill tvservice to make it work.
    It's a bug for me.

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