here an update, I had chosen Your second version, switched dvb-s tt card off and after 12 hours everything is working well. Are You working on dvb-s epg grapping problems?
I'm working on problems in the TSWriter which are believed to be in the EPG grabber. If you could enable all your cards and wait for it to crash. I know it sounds stupid but you are the only person who is getting a crash regularly.
Very well, so tell me what exact You need from me? Several versions of tvserver.log? Or do I get some more versions of from You for testing?
Every time I upload a TSWriter I'll let you know, if you could test it using your TV Server normally and if it crashes then please upload the log files.
Which logs do You need? All or only the tvserver.log?
By the way tvserver is now hanging and did not crash. Its mor than 100 MB big and MP and net stop counld not stop the service. I have to kill it by MS task manager. Do You have this behavior also on Your focus?
Sorry, I'm not quite sure about Your message belonging not beeing able to stop tvserver? When working with dvb-s card AND epg grapping the tvserver crashes or stops working, which means MP client can not connect to server and the service hangs on my mediaserver so I have to kill the process each time? I belive this is also a critical issue perhaps it's also connected to the crashing??