tv service not beeing loaded automatically on startup (2 Viewers)


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  • May 16, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    Started the TVServer manually. Here is an error message


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  • September 1, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Started the TVServer manually. Here is an error message
    Looks like the service is started (17:46) then you try to start it again (18:08). Message just says a port can't be used twice... which is to be expected if the TV service is already using its own port. Since your log level is set to "error" I can't see anything more than that.


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  • May 16, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    My bad... - I wanted to set the log Level to debug and did the opposite. Will change to Debug and post again.


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  • May 16, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    OK, I stopped TV Service, then deleted all the logs and restarted the Server-PC ('warm' restart). Result is: TVSever NOT immediately running = no logs.

    I was just about to start it manually, when suddenly logs were appearing:unsure:. So the delayed startup that I've set is working and/or the dependency on the SQL browser is effective. This time the error.log stays empty.

    What is missing now is the automatic start of the RamDisk process. I am using IMDisk and timeshift and temp are stored there. So without the RamDisk there will definitely be issues as soon as timeshifitng will kick in. I believe RicoHTPC had the same problem. Anyway, that's another problem. I thought it solved by defining a Task that calls Command with the IMDIsk Startup cmd being called as an argument, however, it didn't work this time. Any idea is welcome.

    Slightly confused now, because all I did was to restart a running Service, not calling a second instance of it. I did not test a cold reboot yet. Theoretically that should be no different from a warm reboot. Need to free up the Server now because W wants to watc some TV...



    Development Group
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  • November 12, 2007
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    I don't see anything obvious there that could cause this, but I did not test any of these patches. I now work only on TVE 3.5 so the people that introduced the patches while TVE should be under code freeze are responsible for testing and support. (@Sebastiii ;))

    Yep :) it's me :) more i think and more i suppose we should not change current db to innodb but only provide the upgrade for MySQL 5.6 to make it compatible for TVE3.5 that's all the point to have an upgrade to it or at least why i have worked on it lol :)

    But still we shoudn't run into this king of issue lol.

    I'm busy right now because of new job that take me more time than it should and some thingy to solve with family but it's the week end, so i would liek to try to create an installer without the myisam to innodb script because i think something goes wrong with it :p


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  • December 17, 2010
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    I've done some more tests. TVServer did never start automatically if service start type is set to "Automatic". When I set it to "Automatic - Delayed" sometimes the TVService is starting after some minutes (around 5 minutes after start of Windows). Sometimes even this fails.
    I now use a little batch and the wait.exe command to start TVService. Wait.exe sadly is no part of Windows but freely available on the internet. Added to the .7z too. Put the exe in C:\Windows and the .bat anywhere you like, make a link (from the .bat) and put the link in "Autostart". Then TVService safely is started on every start of the system and after MySQL is running..


    • TVServer-Start.7z
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    Retired Team Member
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  • May 16, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    put the link in "Autostart". Then TVService safely is started on every start of the system and after MySQL is running..
    This requires a user to be logged in, right? On a WSE 2012 you normally don't have a user logging in. That's why I have been trying to set up a task with the scheduler on my WSE 2012 to launch the RamDisk, then create folders and shares. I also thought to migrate the start of the service into this cmd (net start...), which might solve the problem.

    I now believe I understand what is happening: my script creates a ImDisk RamDisk whose shares are used by TVServer to store streams. It now appears that sometimes the ImDisk service itself is not started fast enough prior to the script calling the ImDisk service to set up the RamDisk. I then changed the script to wait until ImDskSvc.exe appears in the tasklist. Now it does what it's supposed to do.

    Those of us who use ImDisk may want to take a look at my solution...


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    Retired Team Member
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  • December 17, 2010
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    Germany Germany
    This requires a user to be logged in, right?
    Probably. But as I use Win7 there always a user is logged in so I'm not sure.
    I'm using IMDisk also, but with the Toolkit. The RAM Disk instantly is ready when Windows starts due to a service introduced by the toolkit. This service is mounting the RAM Disk before Desktop is loaded and/or a user is logged in. Should be working on Server OS w/o user login too...


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