TVplugin - avoiding RTSP in multiseat mode (test plz). (3 Viewers)


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  • September 1, 2008
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    Hi m0t0k0

    You need to start configuration.exe from the command line or edit the shortcut on your desktop (or wherever).

    1. Open the start menu.
    2. Type cmd, hit enter.
    3. Type "c:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Configuration.exe" /DebugOptions (assuming that is the path to MP on your PC and include the quotes) and hit enter.

    The debug options are a sub-section under "TV".



    Portal Pro
    November 25, 2010
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Thanks mm I did not realise you have to open the config in expert mode also! Ok so I specified my UNC path names

    but when I try to view a channel I get "Unable to play: live4-0.ts.tsbuffer"

    What have I done wrong?


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Hi again

    What have I done wrong?
    The screenshot doesn't provide enough information. Could be a shares permission problem. With technical issues like this logs are almost always necessary to find the cause of a problem. It helps if you provide them automatically because you'll get responses faster and quite frankly we get a little frustrated having to ask people to provide them. The more information we are given, the more you enable us to help you.



    MP Donator
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  • December 29, 2007
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    EDIT - I just saw this already addressed earlier in the thread....

    There's a small bug when using shares instead of RTSP. It's probably already resported but just to let you know:
    Play back of "once off" recordings work fine but this method doesn't construct the full path for repeat recordings correctly - so the client doesn't find them.
    Easiest work around is in "TV Server-Configuration->Recording->Custom Paths and filenames" set the format for "Series" to be the same as "Movies".


    Portal Pro
    November 25, 2010
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    sorry mm I intended to do a set of logs with and without RSTP and in my other thread to see if it got rid of all the continuity errors

    I have uploaded logs with this new post.

    Cheers Guys


    Portal Pro
    November 25, 2010
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Just been reading the thread again to see what I may have done wrong and found this

    Remember to share the root drive of the timeshifting and recording folder(s) on your server.
    The client is using an unc path to access the TS files now or a simple mapped network share.

    My server is running WHS 2011 and I think I just shared the folder and not the root drive. Will have another go tonight.

    Unless there is anything from my logs which say otherwise?


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Hi m0t0k0

    Sorry for the delay. No there is nothing in the logs that suggests any particular problem other than that MP can't read the timeshifting file. That assumes that TV Server is also able to create the file.



    Portal Pro
    November 25, 2010
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    No worries dude we all have real lives we have to live!

    I forgot to mention a stream is created and I can play it via Windows media played on the client machine

    I will do some more investigating


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Hi again

    If that is the case it suggests that either MP is blocked from the firewall (MP needs to be given full access to public and private ports for both TCP and UDP) or that there is some kind of issue with TsReader.



    Portal Pro
    November 25, 2010
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Hey mm not had much chance to play around with this much but I will check MP has firewall exceptions at both ends.

    I did find that the timeshift I could play in WMP was one I had manually started on the server. If I tried to start a timshift by selecting the channel to view on the client it would start and then end immediately. I was able to make it work if I mapped the folder as a network drive on the client.

    I had intended just sharing the folder through WHS 2011 dashboard but I cannot get WHS to create a shared folder on my RAMdisk (I have tried a three!)

    Either way there was a small but perceivable decrease in zapping times so I will persevere

    Other than that the picture has been smooth and stable so I'm sure RTSP had nothing to do with the previous stuttering problems but the speed increase is worth while

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