It's really weird, can you retry TV package and select (the mode you want / Client Only (if you use mulltiseat setup) or Server (For server only) or Both (if you use singleseat setup)
Thanks a lot guys for your help, system is up & running again!
My mistake: I was afraid to fiddle around to much since I didn't want to loose my settings - was so enthusiastic that I didn't create a backup.
Therefor I hadn't noticed that the tv client option is in the tvengine file when I reinstalled the server part and was looking for it in the mediaportal.exe...
But that lead to the question why it failed on fisrt attempt
Did you try to stop tvservice before the upgrade ? (we know that we need to work on that part, sometimes the tvservice didn't stop (locked) and then all needed files for new version wasn't replaced).
To be honest... I almost dare not to confess... I didn't stop the service even knowing this was an issue in the past.
In my enthusiasm I assumed that this problem - not stopping it manually - would not occur anymore.
I know, assuming... do you know this one: ASSUME -> NEVER ASSUME for it makes an ASS out of U and ME Sorry for the wasted time it took!
So I guess a simple net stop command during setup to avoid this doesn't work?
The stopping of the tvservice is integrated in the installer, but sometimes the Services is locked and can't be stopped. So it is safer to stop it manually.
@Django.edwards: ah ok. Even with elevated admin rights, it's not possible to force a stop?
What about a check if the service is still running followed by a notification to stop it manually?
@wonkyd: of course, feel free to mark/move it whatever with/where ever you think is best.
See my OP.
And how do I fix this without uninstalling? I simply upgraded to the final (from 1.3.0 final, TVServer only) and now get this error when entering config.