There seems to be a bug in the latest dll, it does not unmont the drive after watching the movie/tv serie.
and this coused me to get a \Device\ImDisk5 device that could not be unmounted....
tryed the imdisk forums to no avail! -D/dosdev/force....... no go.....
to fix it i had to uninstall and reinstall imdisk...
for some reson the dll useses the -u 5 option....... ImDisk5? and when that is locked it can't mount a new movie/tv....
and this coused me to get a \Device\ImDisk5 device that could not be unmounted....
tryed the imdisk forums to no avail! -D/dosdev/force....... no go.....
to fix it i had to uninstall and reinstall imdisk...
for some reson the dll useses the -u 5 option....... ImDisk5? and when that is locked it can't mount a new movie/tv....