Cavaets: You can only browse by share, search doesn't work, no artwork.
My code is a local copy modified for use with the MIA rework server code but I've backported what I hope are the necessary changes to the Weekly base if you fancy giving it a try?
hmm it doesn't work here... maybe it is because I'm right now in the university network and I configured it as "work", will try it at home again
But thank you for the version
It starts at least without any errors^^
here at home it works!
I can watch the movies on my Phone and play music
I can't remember what was already working, but I guess it were only music and pictures. This is a big step forward for MP! Now we can have UPnP Devices as clients. I already added UPnP to TVE3.5 so Tv streaming is also possible^^
An open point was to make TVE3.5 use the MP2 Server root device instead it's own, but I guess that is a whole different story
Another idea from me was to extend it even more to be able to do simple configurations using UPnP or get other useful information like free storage space etc...
I'm now following as my ANTLR tutorial. I've written a grammar that understands UPnP search criteria so the next step is to turn the parse tree into an IFilter and list of required MIAs. Java is a pre-requisite for compiling the grammar @high will this cause problems on the build machine? If it's going to be an issue I can try to rework the .csproj file so the generated C# is checked into version control and the re-generation step is left out of the regular Debug / Release build process.