If your file is *.ts and you have problem to play it in MP, it can be MediaPortal TS splitter too. You can try a little trick - install Haali media Splitter, rename your *.ts to *.mkv and try it again.
Ok, when I play the vc-1.ts file in MPC, everything works perfect. MPC uses AC3filter and for decoding vc-1 it uses wmv9. The splitter is Haali Media Splitter. This combination works great!
Now with MP...AC3filter is selected, wmv9 for vc-1 can't be selected (??? :s ), in fact, nothing can be chosen for vc-1 in MP.
I know the combination that works: Haali + AC3filter + WMV9.
How can I make this work in MP??
Yes,Yes, Yes Hoborg!!!
It IS a bug in Mediaportal TS splitter!! If I rename the planetearth.1080p.dd.dualaudio.vc-1.ts file to planetearth.1080p.dd.dualaudio.vc-1.mkv it works in MP!! Just like you said. As I understand it now, this is caused by the mediaportal ts splitter, right ?
Devs, do you want me to try and make a separate playback bugreport about this or is the info in this thread sufficient?