[solved] WARNING: NVidia driver issue since 358.87 (5 Viewers)


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  • September 1, 2008
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    I'm sorry but you did ask about FF!
    I disagree that I asked about FF, but to me it just isn't worth arguing about. :)

    My understanding is the recordings have different formats because that is what they are broadcast in.
    Sure. I'm only trying to say that this difference could explain the difference in behaviour between recordings and other videos which you mentioned. :)

    Look I know I am no expert at this but all these issues started with the driver update.
    Yes, I hope that we can agree that it appears that the driver update (or other updates that happened at the same time) are the cause of these problems.

    So maybe when MP 1.13 final is released I will give that a go and in a perfect world all my problems will just disappear:sick:
    Unfortunately that's probably wishful thinking. We can't fix problems that we aren't causing/creating.

    Thanks for trying to help but I feel we are getting nowhere with this:(
    Sorry that you feel that way.

    Like I said earlier, if you want to talk more about the FF/RW stuff then I'd be happy to do that... but in another thread, because it looks like a completely different problem (compared to what everybody else in this thread has reported and been talking about).

    Please can you confirm:
    1. That when you use driver v358.50 you only have problems ("freezes") when trying to FF/RW recorded or time-shifted TV.
    2. That when you use a newer driver you have random freezes, startup failures etc. as described by everybody else earlier in this thread.


    Portal Pro
    July 14, 2012
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    Australia Australia
    I had the freezing during normal playback as well as ff of recorded tv on latest driver so I rolled back to 358.50 and it appeared to stop.

    I then tried 359.06 and it seemed ok at first but then the issues returned so I reinstalled 358.50 and I still had the issues.

    I have not had any problems at startup or anywhere else in MP


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 1, 2008
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    New Zealand New Zealand
    Can you please clarify.

    I then tried 359.06 and it seemed ok at first but then the issues returned...
    When you say "the issues", do you mean freezing at random times such as during normal playback (not just during FF/RW)?

    ...so I reinstalled 358.50 and I still had the issues.
    Again, when you say "the issues" do you mean freezing at random times such as during normal playback (not just during FF/RW)?

    The points that I'm trying to confirm/understand are
    1. Whether you only have the FF/RW freeze problem (ie. no other problems) when you use 358.50.
    2. Whether newer drivers give you worse or the same results as 358.50.
    I'm asking this because everybody else has said rolling back to 358.50 solves all their problems.


    Portal Pro
    July 14, 2012
    Home Country
    Australia Australia
    Yes I had freezing at random times during playback as well ff when I installed 359.06

    And yes the same happened when I reinstalled 358.50

    Do you think uninstalling and reinstalling my codec pack would help?

    Stéphane Lenclud

    Retired Team Member
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  • April 29, 2013
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    Yes I had freezing at random times during playback as well ff when I installed 359.06

    And yes the same happened when I reinstalled 358.50

    Do you think uninstalling and reinstalling my codec pack would help?
    It seems to be a different issue indeed. I was never getting freezes during playback or FF but rather when going through MP views and menus.
    Having said that if I were you I would stick to 358.50 or earlier versions until we know more.

    I myself uninstalled all NVidia Geforce Experience and drivers (that can take a while). When you do that Windows 10 still pushes an earlier version which is 355.xx I believe. That must be the latest Nvidia driver published through Microsoft.


    Portal Pro
    July 14, 2012
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    Australia Australia
    I did a quick test this morning by using Lav filters for tv and played a bit of one the offending files and it seemed ok.

    I will try a bit more when I get home from work(y)


    Portal Pro
    July 14, 2012
    Home Country
    Australia Australia
    Well I played through one of the files that was giving me grief before and it played fine:)

    I even used fast forward and rewind at all speeds with no issues what so ever.

    So the only thing I can take away from this is that the ffdshow codecs somehow were causing the issues I was having.

    I don't understand why they haven't affected my movies or TV series but I'm not going to pull my hair out as I don't have any:rolleyes:

    I might just uninstall and reinstall them.

    So once again thankyou to everyone who tried to help me and I apologize if I came across as argumentative at times especially to my friend across the ditch (I hope I don't find a sheep head in my bed ):oops: I certainly didn't mean to, I was just a bit frustrated.




    Portal Pro
    July 29, 2012
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    I'm wondering, what do we need to have this issue fixed? Do we need a fix from nvidia in their driver or should mp fix something in their code?

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