WebGrab+Plus a new xmltv grabber (3 Viewers)


Portal Pro
January 31, 2009
Home Country
Switzerland Switzerland
Hi redfrog. Are you talking about TNT? Please check, if you hav several entries without descr. Or just singular ones? Many of the series have none with TVSpielfilm. But s01e12 on TNT should have (just checked it).Did you erase your (old) DVB Cache before importing? When was the first scrub with the new TVS ini? Scubs starting +1 day ahead usually only.


Portal Pro
January 2, 2014
Home Country
Germany Germany
Hi Christoph21x,
look here it is the DvbViewer


  • DVBVIEWER-TVspielfilm.JPG
    194.3 KB


Portal Pro
January 31, 2009
Home Country
Switzerland Switzerland
Dear All

Please find attached to the this post the new TVtoday.de.ini file as per 2015-01-25.
After the quick fix of Jan correcting major gap issues with a design change of TVtoday at the beginning of December, please find enclosed the new and re-worked TVtoday.de.ini file with closing of many remaining gaps at the "beginning of day", more robust episode detection, added age rating to description - and a general clean-up.

Recommended to all users (especially Argus-TV users, all versions):
Fixed issues in attached Rev. 12:
  • Fixed programmatic gaps on day switch-overs due to wrong duplicate removal
    • For the time being: DO NOT REMOVE DUPLICATES on TVtoday.de, it creates faulty results and gaps
  • Fixed scrub of age rating and added age info to description
  • Fix of wrong episode recognition on shows with rated age and/or VPS time info
  • Made episode recognition more robust to exceptions
  • Empty season/episode infos are now removed: not shown as "0.0.0" anymore
This update is recommended for all TVtoday.de.ini-users, especially a "must-have" for Argus-TV users, as it closes your daily existing EPG gaps.

Kind regards - Chris


  • 2015-01-25.Rev12.tvtoday.de.ini.zip
    3.2 KB


MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • July 3, 2011
    Dear All

    Please find attached to the this post the new TVtoday.de.ini file as per 2015-01-25.
    After the quick fix of Jan correcting major gap issues with a design change of TVtoday at the beginning of December, please find enclosed the new and re-worked TVtoday.de.ini file with closing of many remaining gaps at the "beginning of day", more robust episode detection, added age rating to description - and a general clean-up.

    Recommended to all users (especially Argus-TV users, all versions):
    Fixed issues in attached Rev. 12:
    • Fixed programmatic gaps on day switch-overs due to wrong duplicate removal
      • For the time being: DO NOT REMOVE DUPLICATES on TVtoday.de, it creates faulty results and gaps
    • Fixed scrub of age rating and added age info to description
    • Fix of wrong episode recognition on shows with rated age and/or VPS time info
    • Made episode recognition more robust to exceptions
    • Empty season/episode infos are now removed: not shown as "0.0.0" anymore
    This update is recommended for all TVtoday.de.ini-users, especially a "must-have" for Argus-TV users, as it closes your daily existing EPG gaps.

    Kind regards - Chris

    THX, Using it now.
    if ill have problems i will report back.



    MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • July 3, 2011
    Dear All

    Please find attached to the this post the new TVtoday.de.ini file as per 2015-01-25.
    After the quick fix of Jan correcting major gap issues with a design change of TVtoday at the beginning of December, please find enclosed the new and re-worked TVtoday.de.ini file with closing of many remaining gaps at the "beginning of day", more robust episode detection, added age rating to description - and a general clean-up.

    Recommended to all users (especially Argus-TV users, all versions):
    Fixed issues in attached Rev. 12:
    • Fixed programmatic gaps on day switch-overs due to wrong duplicate removal
      • For the time being: DO NOT REMOVE DUPLICATES on TVtoday.de, it creates faulty results and gaps
    • Fixed scrub of age rating and added age info to description
    • Fix of wrong episode recognition on shows with rated age and/or VPS time info
    • Made episode recognition more robust to exceptions
    • Empty season/episode infos are now removed: not shown as "0.0.0" anymore
    This update is recommended for all TVtoday.de.ini-users, especially a "must-have" for Argus-TV users, as it closes your daily existing EPG gaps.

    Kind regards - Chris

    I have many "g" gaps...


    is this normal?


    Portal Pro
    January 31, 2009
    Home Country
    Switzerland Switzerland
    I have many "g" gaps...

    View attachment 160678

    is this normal?

    This exactly what this update is for: this shows the gaps that WERE in there and are being closed.
    Those gaps have been in there using the former, Rev. 11, code.
    Now, after that run, they should be closed.
    If you run it maybe tomorrow again, you should have get rid of exactly those gaps. The "g" shows gaps that ARE / WERE present and are filled now.

    Greetz - Chris

    PS: if you look for example at Tuesday 5:30 BEFORE scan, you'll find many gaps. if you apply the scan with this update, tey're all closed.
    Last edited:


    Portal Member
    April 9, 2011
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Kleine Hilfe zum Einrichten des neuen Webgrabplus V2.0 In Mediaportal 1.15/1.16

    Mein System: Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
    Processor: AMD Phenom (tm)II *4 965 Processor 3,40 GHz
    Festplatte: SSD Samsung 128Gb
    Mainboard: MSI 970A-G46
    Ram Speicher: 8Gb
    Grafikkarte: NVIDEA GeForce 600 Series GT 610
    TV Karte: DVBSky S952 V3
    RAM DISK: ImDiskTk-x64 mit 8GB
    Netzteil: be quiet BQ SU7-400W

    WebGrabplus V2.0 herunterladen und installieren und im Pfad:
    die Datei siteini.user mit folgenden Ordnern füllen:
    1.hot_cookies (Textdokument)
    2.XML-Dokument (.xml)
    3.Konfigurationseinstellungen (.ini)
    2. und 3. so oft bis alle gewünschten Sender vorhanden sind
    4.xmltv.dtd (DTD)

    Anlage1:siteini.user (meine Sender)

    Eine neuen Ordner mit der Bezeichnung WebEpg erstellen und diesen nach Fertigstellung auf Laufwerk C: kopieren.
    Dieser Ordner beinhaltet folgende Dateien:
    1. tvguide (XML Dokument)
    2. WebGrab (Windows-Batchdatei)
    3. xmltv.dtd (DTD-Datei)


    Die darin enthaltene Batchdatei hat folgende Aufgabe und Inhalt:

    Zeile 1. @echo off
    Zeile 2. cd "C:\ProgramData\ServerCare\WebGrab"
    Zeile 3. "C:\Program Files (x86)\WebGrab+Plus\bin\WebGrab+Plus.exe"
    Zeile 4. xcopy "C:\Users\Werner\AppData\Local\WebGrab+Plus\guide.xml" C:\WebGrab\tvguide.xml /D /E /S /Y /V

    Erklärungen zu 1.Kopiert Dateien
    2.Pfad zur Batchdatei (C:\WebGrab) (Start Bachdatei,und zum Anlegen des des Aufgabenplaners)
    3.Pfad zur WebGrab+Plus.exe (C:\Program Files (x86)\WebGrab+Plus\bin)
    4.Pfad zur guide.xml und tvguide.xml (C:\Users\Werner\AppData\Local\WebGrab+Plus\guide.xml)
    und (C:\WebGrab\tvguide.xml)
    zu: /D= Datumseintrag
    /E= Kopiert alle Unterverzeichnisse, auch wenn diese leer sind. Diese Option muß
    zusammen mit S eingesetzt werden
    /S= Kopiert Verzeichnisse und Unterverzeichnisse, sofern sie nicht leer sind
    /Y= gibt an,daß vorhandene,gleichnahmige Dateien beim Verschieben mit dem Befehl
    XCOPY ohne vorherige Bestätigung überschrieben werden
    /V= Sorgt dafür, daß jede Datei, wärend sie in die Zieldatei geschrieben wird,
    überprüft wird

    Einrichten der WebGrab++.config:Orginal nach der Installation plus alle von mir eingefügten Sender und
    der Angaben sieht so aus:

    ----------------------------------WebGrab++.config------------------------Anfang/diese Zeile löschen-----

    <?xml version="1.0"?>

    <!-- for detailed info about the settings see WebGrab++.config.xml | WebGrab+Plus -->

    <postprocess grab="y" run="y">mdb</postprocess>
    <user-agent>Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/29.0</user-agent>
    <retry time-out="5">4</retry>
    Replace the next dummy channel entry with the channels you want.
    You can look into the installed siteini.pack folder on your computer

    For the latest version,
    see EPG channels | WebGrab+Plus for the available sites/channels

    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="ARD" xmltv_id="Das Erste">Das Erste</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="ZDF" xmltv_id="ZDF">ZDF</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="RTL" xmltv_id="RTL">RTL</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="SAT1" xmltv_id="Sat.1">Sat.1</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="PRO7" xmltv_id="ProSieben">ProSieben</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="RTL2" xmltv_id="RTL II">RTL II</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="KAB" xmltv_id="kabel eins">kabel eins</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="VOX" xmltv_id="VOX">VOX</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="WDR" xmltv_id="WDR Fernsehen">WDR Fernsehen</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="NO3" xmltv_id="NDR Fernsehen">NDR Fernsehen</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="BA3" xmltv_id="BR Fernsehen">BR Fernsehen</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="S3" xmltv_id="SWR Fernsehen">SWR Fernsehen</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="HR3" xmltv_id="hr-fernsehen">hr-fernsehen</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="MDR" xmltv_id="MDR">MDR</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="RBB" xmltv_id="rbb Brandenburg">rbb Brandenburg</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="3SAT" xmltv_id="3sat">3sat</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="ARTE" xmltv_id="ARTE">ARTE</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="SUPER" xmltv_id="Super RTL">Super RTL</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="KKA" xmltv_id="KiKA">KiKA</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="DIC" xmltv_id="Disney Channel">Disney Channel</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="PR7M" xmltv_id="ProSieben Maxx">ProSieben Maxx</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="SIXX" xmltv_id="sixx">sixx</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="TL5" xmltv_id="Tele 5">Tele 5</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="SATG" xmltv_id="SAT.1 Gold">SAT.1 Gold</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="RTLN" xmltv_id="RTL NITRO">RTL NITRO</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="ZDNEO" xmltv_id="ZDFneo">ZDFneo</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="DSF" xmltv_id="SPORT1">SPORT1</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="EURO" xmltv_id="Eurosport">Eurosport</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="N24" xmltv_id="N24">N24</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="NTV" xmltv_id="n-tv">n-tv</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="PHX" xmltv_id="PHOENIX">PHOENIX</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="ALP" xmltv_id="ARD-alpha">ARD-alpha</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="ZDI" xmltv_id="ZDFinfo">ZDFinfo</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="KAB Doku" xmltv_id="Kabel 1 Doku">Kabel 1 Doku</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="EXT" xmltv_id="tagesschau24">tagesschau24</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="fes" xmltv_id="ONE">ONE</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="SEAT" xmltv_id="ServusTV">ServusTV</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="DMAX" xmltv_id="DMAX">DMAX</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="ORF2" xmltv_id="ORF2">ORF2</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="RTLplus" xmltv_id="RTLplus">RTLplus</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="COCE" xmltv_id="Comedy Central">Comedy Central</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de.xmltv_ns" site_id="ANIXE" xmltv_id="ANIXE HD">ANIXE HD</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtoday.de" site_id="WDWTV" xmltv_id="Welt der Wunder">Welt der Wunder</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="sky.de" site_id="17" xmltv_id="Sky Sport News HD">Sky Sport News HD</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvdigital.de" site_id="zeeone" xmltv_id="Zee One">Zee One</channel>

    -----------------------------------WebGrab++.config-------------------------- Ende/diese Zeile löschen------
    Zeile 1.<filename>C:\Users\Werner\AppData\Local\WebGrab+Plus\guide.xml</filename>
    3.<postprocess grab="y" run="y">mdb</postprocess>
    4.<user-agent>Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/29.0</user-agent>
    6.<retry time-out="5">4</retry>

    zu 1.<filename>Adresse zur guide.xml</filename>
    D debuggen Speichert die Datei xmltv in einer Datei mit -debug zusätzlich im Dateinamen.
    Die ursprüngliche xmltv-Datei wird beibehalten.
    M Misst die Zeit für jede aktualisierte Show oder neue Show hinzugefügt
    N keine Markierung Deaktiviert die Update-Typ-Markierung (n) (c) (g) (r) am Ende der Beschreibung
    V Überprüft das Ergebnis nach einer Kanalaktualisierung
    W Wget Verwenden Sie wget als Grab-Motor (könnte die Standorterkennung in seltenen Fällen verbessern)
    3.<postprocess grab="y" run="y">mdb</postprocess>
    Ja, y, true, on = führt den postprozess aus (standardmäßig)
    4.nicht ändern
    5.nicht ändern
    6.nicht ändern
    7.<timespan>21</timespan> Anzahl der Tage für Programmsuche
    i Inkrementell Nur Aktualisierungen von Änderungen, Gabs, Reparaturen und neuen Shows
    L Update von heute und neue Shows
    S Update von heute und morgen und neue Shows
    F Zwingt die volle Aktualisierung (Erster Durchlauf)

    Meine Sender in der siteini.user:


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <site generator-info-name="WebGrab+Plus/w MDB &amp; REX Postprocess -- version 1.1.1/55.13 -- Jan van Straaten" site="tvtv.de">
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="ARD_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="Das Erste">Das Erste</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="ZDF_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="ZDF">ZDF</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="RTL_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="RTL">RTL</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="SAT1_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="Sat.1">Sat.1</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="PRO7_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="ProSieben">ProSieben</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="RTL2_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="RTL II">RTL II</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="KAB_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="kabel eins">kabel eins</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="VOX_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="VOX">VOX</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="WDR_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="WDR Fernsehen">WDR Fernsehen</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="NO3_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="NDR Fernsehen">NDR Fernsehen</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="BA3_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="BR Fernsehen">BR Fernsehen</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="S3_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="SWR Fernsehen">SWR Fernsehen</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="HR3_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="hr-fernsehen">hr-fernsehen</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="MDR_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="MDR">MDR</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="RBB_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="rbb Brandenburg">rbb Brandenburg</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="3SAT_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="3sat">3sat</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="ARTE_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="ARTE">ARTE</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="SUPER_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="Super RTL">Super RTL</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="KKA_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="KiKA">KiKA</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="DIC_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="Disney Channel">Disney Channel</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="PR7M_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="ProSieben Maxx">ProSieben Maxx</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="SIXX_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="sixx">sixx</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="TL5_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="Tele 5">Tele 5</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="SATG_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="SAT.1 Gold">SAT.1 Gold</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="RTLN_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="RTL NITRO">RTL NITRO</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="ZDNEO_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="ZDFneo">ZDFneo</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="DSF_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="SPORT1">SPORT1</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="EURO_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="Eurosport">Eurosport</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="N24_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="N24">N24</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="NTV_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="n-tv">n-tv</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="PHX_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="PHOENIX">PHOENIX</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="ALP_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="ARD-alpha">ARD-alpha</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="ZDI_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="ZDFinfo">ZDFinfo</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="KACL_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="kabel eins doku">kabel eins doku</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="EXT_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="tagesschau24">tagesschau24</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="fes_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="ONE">ONE</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="SEAT_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="ServusTV">ServusTV</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="DMAX_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="DMAX">DMAX</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="ORF2_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="ORF 2">ORF 2</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="rtlpl_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="RTLplus">RTLplus</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="COCE_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="Comedy Central">Comedy Central</channel>
    <channel update="i" site="tvtv.de" site_id="ANIXE_#region=NOTUSED" xmltv_id="ANIXE HD">ANIXE HD</channel>


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <site generator-info-name="WebGrab+Plus/w MDB &amp; REX Postprocess -- version V1.56.24 -- Jan van Straaten" site="sky.de">
    <channel update="i" site="sky.de" site_id="17" xmltv_id="Sky Sport News HD">Sky Sport News HD</channel>


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <site generator-info-name="WebGrab+Plus/w MDB &amp; REX Postprocess -- version V1.57 -- Jan van Straaten" site="tvdigital.de">
    <channel update="i" site="tvdigital.de" site_id="zeeone" xmltv_id="Zee One">Zee One</channel>

    Bitte beachten:confused:ender der siteini.user Dateien und die Sender der WebGrab++.config müssen übereinstimmen,
    und man sieht am Beispiel der Orginal sky.de.channels und der bearbeiteten sky.de.channels
    das alle nicht benötigten Sender gelöscht wurden.

    Programmstart erfolgt über:C:\WebGrab\WebGrab.bat (windows-Batchdatei)

    Ein Durchlauf von 45 Sendern benötigt ca.15min,der Erstdurchlauf benötigt sehr viel mehr Zeit.

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