Okay, forthcoming is documentation on how to configure the "About" page and "Requests" page.
Quick info: In the top section of the about page is for you to put in YOUR image, text and donation link. So that anyone that you might share your server with can send you gifts.. for bandwidth, HDD space, more tuners.... whatever. The Requests page is an email system that allows users to send the host (YOU) requests for things that might want added. The best practice is to use a dummy email account solely for this purpose and have any mail forwarded to your main email. This way if anyone were to get the login info, it would only be to the dummy email acct, not your secure one.
Testing the release now, is this a bug - on the homepage, click on Recent Episodes, Recent Recordings, Recent Music, then go to click on Recent Movies and it doesn't expand. Have to reload the homepage to get Recent Movies to expand again.
@valtam Looks like this only happens when you do not have a music database.
Allow me to explain... In settings you can choose for music MP Music or mvCentral. All of my music is music videos so I use mvCentral and I have a database of my music. Everything works on the home page as it should. Now if I choose MP Music, of which I do NOT have a database of music, then I can recreate your problem.
So, here is what I offer to you as a quick fix... just make a music database. Even if you dont have any music, just make a dummy file with the extension .mp3 and use it to build a database.
Once I can figure this out (might need @Oxan to help me) then we can go for a more accurate way of dealing with the issue. i hope this helps in some small way!!!