WifiRemote - a tcp remote control server 0.8.3 [2014-07-20] (1 Viewer)


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  • September 1, 2008
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    Thanks for the clarification Steve

    I'm going to move this thread to the WiFiRemote section as suggested by Brownard.


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  • January 31, 2009
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    This used to work for me in MPiV but its currently broken with Moving Pictures. I wonder if it happend with an update of MP or WifiRemote. I recreater my movie database but issue the same. I also got the same issue if using the arrow keys and ok button through wifiremote on the resume dialog, i.e. select yes for resume movie at a specific position.

    Stephen Bromfield

    Portal Member
    March 3, 2012
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    Great Britain (UK) Great Britain (UK)
    I though the problem might have been how I created the JSON command. I think it is still an issue so I tried the up/down/ok commands as well. They work with no problem until the dialog is displayed. I then tried using the Demo Client which seems to work OK, the commands being sent were exactly the same, the only difference between the two is that I am using IPv4 whereas the Demo Client is using IPv6. It doesn't help me very much as I don't know how to open an IPv6 socket in Android yet and can't find any help on the internet.


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  • January 31, 2009
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    Resume works for me, it was my bad in development code. It worked fine in released version.

    To handle the dialog I use:
    {Type: "dialog", ActionType: action, DialogId: dialogId, Index: 0}

    with the actions yes, no and cancel.

    The dialog id is found from WifiRemote dialog data.Type=dialog event:
    data.Dialog.DialogId but I think the id for this dialog is 100

    Stephen Bromfield

    Portal Member
    March 3, 2012
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    Interesting, it still didn't work for me but I have now noticed that after I send the command to play my video it will not respond to the next command so I now think my problem is the command to play the video rather that the dialog command. I am using :-


    I have tried others like:-


    but the 1st one is the only one I have got to work.


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  • January 31, 2009
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    For historical reasons I use for moving pictures:
    {Type: "movingpictures", Action: "playmovie", MovieId: parseInt(MovieId)}

    Not sure why I use playlist commands for the mpext. play but probably I had an issue with the mpext play command

    self.send({Type: "playlist", PlaylistAction: "clear", PlaylistType: playlistType});
    setTimeout(function() {
    self.send({Type: "mpext", Action: "enqueue", ItemId: id, MediaType: parseInt(mediaType), ProviderId: parseInt(provider), StartPosition: 0, PlayInfo: playInfo});
    }, 50);
    setTimeout(function() {
    self.send({Type: "playlist", PlaylistAction: "play", PlaylistType: playlistType, Index: 0});
    }, 100);

    Stephen Bromfield

    Portal Member
    March 3, 2012
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    Great Britain (UK) Great Britain (UK)
    I am sending this now:-


    but still won't start the video but it will take any other command which follows now, I am sending the MovieId as an int and not a string.

    Am I being stupid and missing a setting or a plugin.


    MP Donator
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  • January 31, 2009
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    Seems correct, but I dont use th autologin feature. I would check the MP log for exceptions, WifiRemote log there.

    Stephen Bromfield

    Portal Member
    March 3, 2012
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    Great Britain (UK) Great Britain (UK)
    Funny you should say check the log, I had just done this to find it say the id had not been found, turns out it was me being stupid.
    I have just tested out the playing and the selection of the resumption and all is working well now.

    I would just like to thank you for all your help and patience, it is greatly appreciated.

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