Let me introduce you a new Skin for MediaPortal 1.3 and above. This Skin is called BackVision as it's based mainly on Catavolt's great PureVisionHD Skin and inspired by cul8ers beautiful Backdrop Skin which isn't developed any longer. So all credits goes to them. Thanks a lot for your great work, guys.
The main goal of his Skin is (aside my personal needs) to give you the functionality, speed and fluidness of PureVision HD combined with the beauty of Backdrop.
This Skin is fully working all the time as all missing Skin Files are available through PureVision. The Skin Files are compatible so if you miss a skin, you can use the one from PureVision without any restrictions aside the different look. This skin makes heavy use of LatestMediaHandler plugin features from latest version so be sure to update this plugin. To be fully working it needs DriveFreeSpace Plugin and WOLPowerManager Plugin displaying infos on lots of screens..Suported Plugins are the same as in PureVision...
I wanted to give you a In- GUI Basic Home Menu Editor with this skin, but this is delayed due to some heavy bugs in MP Skin Engine, which has to be fixed first. As soon as I had some more screens ready I will publish BackVision with a generic Basic Home Screen. And I will provide help by customising this to your personal needs... The editable Basic Home will be available as soon as those bugs are fixed.
Now some Screenshots to show how it looks like:
Some Basic Home Screen views. Nearly every button has a specific background attached to it, lots of them with background- slideshows...
So for this the Basic Home isn't that boring, I hope
That's how the classic Home screen looks like:
The TV section is ready also:
The EPG without genre colours:
And with genre colours:
Next skin files to work on are MyVideos TVSeries and Moving Pictures, stay tuned...
Let me introduce you a new Skin for MediaPortal 1.3 and above. This Skin is called BackVision as it's based mainly on Catavolt's great PureVisionHD Skin and inspired by cul8ers beautiful Backdrop Skin which isn't developed any longer. So all credits goes to them. Thanks a lot for your great work, guys.
The main goal of his Skin is (aside my personal needs) to give you the functionality, speed and fluidness of PureVision HD combined with the beauty of Backdrop.
This Skin is fully working all the time as all missing Skin Files are available through PureVision. The Skin Files are compatible so if you miss a skin, you can use the one from PureVision without any restrictions aside the different look. This skin makes heavy use of LatestMediaHandler plugin features from latest version so be sure to update this plugin. To be fully working it needs DriveFreeSpace Plugin and WOLPowerManager Plugin displaying infos on lots of screens..Suported Plugins are the same as in PureVision...
I wanted to give you a In- GUI Basic Home Menu Editor with this skin, but this is delayed due to some heavy bugs in MP Skin Engine, which has to be fixed first. As soon as I had some more screens ready I will publish BackVision with a generic Basic Home Screen. And I will provide help by customising this to your personal needs... The editable Basic Home will be available as soon as those bugs are fixed.
Now some Screenshots to show how it looks like:
Some Basic Home Screen views. Nearly every button has a specific background attached to it, lots of them with background- slideshows...
So for this the Basic Home isn't that boring, I hope
That's how the classic Home screen looks like:
The TV section is ready also:
The EPG without genre colours:
And with genre colours:
Next skin files to work on are MyVideos TVSeries and Moving Pictures, stay tuned...