WIP: New FullHD Skin BackVision (1 Viewer)


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  • December 17, 2010
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    On my system XBMC is about 20 times faster than MP. Scrolling you can not measure, it's too fast. On MP only TVSeries is fast enough as it internally delays all GFX during scrolling. MovPic is extremely slow here, lot more than MyVideos... As soon as MyVideos has the "forgotten" hyperlinkParameter enabled I will change over from MovPic to MyVideos...
    And as soon as there is a full featured and usable TV server solution for Linux I will change over to XBMC. XBMC under Windows is not the complete fun, but under Linux (OpenElec or XBMCBuntu) it's really great. Before there is a really working TV solution I can not change. TVHeadend is still missing Timeshift (but wip) and it's really complicated to setup. You need to do scanning, mapping, sorting,... for every tuner separate. And all this on an English web- interface with tons of options and mostly not understandable terms. You don't find Muxx, Provider, Transponder,... all has different names as we know it. MythTV is lot more complicated to install (no bins, just source) and setup so I never tried that seriously...


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  • December 17, 2010
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    After sorting out some bigger issues with MP itself, here is another update:
    First MyVideos CoverFlow. Delayed fade in of extra info isn't possible up to now, so here without:
    View attachment 122296

    Next was TVSeries:
    View attachment 122297

    View attachment 122298

    Wide Banner:
    View attachment 122299

    Banner List:
    View attachment 122300

    Poster List:
    View attachment 122301

    Episodes List:
    View attachment 122310

    Then I've skinned WorldWeather and WorldWeatherLite. BackVision is supporting both Plugins. Here's "the big one" WorldWeather:
    Recent and Prediction:
    View attachment 122302

    View attachment 122303

    Satellite Images:
    View attachment 122304
    Sun clock:
    View attachment 122305

    View attachment 122306

    That's how BasicHome is looking like with WorldWeather Plugin:
    View attachment 122307

    BasicHome with new default weather plugin WorldWeatherLite:
    View attachment 122308

    Finally a glimpse of the WWL- Plugin page:
    View attachment 122309

    "Aside" this I'm creating some hundred Logos (for MyVideos, TVSeries and Moving Pictures).

    Next to skin is Moving Pictures, then MyMusic and MyPictures. After I'm finished with that there will be the first Alpha ready to download...


    Retired Team Member
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  • December 17, 2010
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    Germany Germany


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  • December 17, 2010
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    Germany Germany
    Sorry, was too busy lately. And there are a lot of necessary changes to get BackVision compatible with MP1.4


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  • September 7, 2009
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    Hey Lehmden,

    You were looking to fade info in after a time on a selected item, well I've got a little trick for you.

    Add this dummy control. It will give a toggle for when the user changes selected item.

      <description>View Control - Selected Toggle</description>
      <label>#(iif(neq(string.rtrim(#selectedindex,'1,3,5,7,9'),#selectedindex),'',' '))</label>

    Next you need 2 animations in your label or image control.

    <animation effect="fade" time="400" delay="3000" start="0" end="100" reversible="false" condition="Control.HasText(5544)">conditional</animation>
    <animation effect="fade" time="400" delay="3000" start="0" end="100" reversible="false" condition="!Control.HasText(5544)">conditional</animation>

    Note: The view toggle works well for sequential items like listview/filmstrip/coverview, for icons a user can jump up/down lines of icons and if it is even to even or odd to odd the toggle will not trigger. To get around this you can use a double toggle and more anims - I'll let you work that out good luck.


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  • December 17, 2010
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    Germany Germany
    I really have to apologise but after trying MP1.4 final I decided to drop MP1 completely. I was not able to get MP1.4 working on my system. It crashes every 5 minutes. The 1.4 Pre was working, not really good but it works. The final did not do the job at all. As I got lots of trouble with MP1 and this trouble gets worse with every new version I did not want to waste time on MP1 any more...

    I now will focus only on MP2 as MP2 is running great on my system. For that I'm not able to develop BackVision any further. I'm really sorry but I will try to recreate something similar for MP2 in future. If someone wants to take this over please drop me a line (PM) and I will send you all gfx and xml I have here...

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