WorldWeather plugin v1.10.0 for MediaPortal 1.3.0 and higher (3 Viewers)


Portal Pro
February 16, 2008
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United States of America United States of America
The corresponding skin files for 0.5.0 are already released and fully compatible ;)

Are there skin files for StreamedMedia and if so, where can I get these? TIA.


Portal Member
March 21, 2012
Home Country
England England
I'm having a bit of trouble setting up world weather, can anyone help ?

In config if I type in the name of any city and press "detect" it comes up with a message saying "Word Weather has detected the location 'London'. Do you want to accept this ?"
It doesn't actually matter what you type in, it always gives this message. I changed the provider to Yahoo and input the city code, but I still get the same message. I've tried postal codes, city codes even long/lat of various places under both google/yahoo providers but it still does the same thing. I've just upgraded to v0.50 but that still has the same issue.

Thanks for any help! :)


Documentation Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 15, 2007
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    Switzerland Switzerland
    WW is trying to detect where you are.
    If you specify locations yourself, you don't need to "detect" anything.


    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 21, 2010
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    Germany Germany
    Nah, best thing is to configure all things manually. (city code, long/lat, etc.)


    Portal Pro
    July 22, 2009
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Dear community,
    I want to inform you, that the final version v0.5.0 of WorldWeather is now published. It can be downloaded from the download repository or from first post of this thread.
    The main goal of this version was to support hourly and graphical support for weather conditions, refactoring of weather image routines and enhancements/fixes for the last official version.

    Plugin related changes:
    • add basic Yr.No provider support for hourly/graphical forecast including functionality for manual condition/icon mapping for Yr.No
    • refactoring of Google parser routines
    • force UTF-8 encoding for weather parsers
    • refactoring/enhancements of weather image routines
    • enhance geographical clock display
    • changes to rss feed routines
    • bug fixing for race condition in image facade initialization and display routine
    • bug fixing for Yahoo night condition icons
    • profile related workaround for miscalculations of sunrise/sunset (see chapter 11.4)
    • functionality to edit expert settings (see chapter 4.9)
    Skin related changes:
    • add new properties (LocationSunshineDuration, TodayWindDirectionImage) and related hourly forecast properties (see chapter 6)
    • rename of weather image related properties (ImageWeather, ImageWeatherEnabled)
    • new properties (ImageWeatherDescription, ImageStarrySkyDescription, FeedDescription)
    Important notice:
    • The new version includes skin and configuration related changes. Some parts of skin files from older versions cannot be supported any longer, so please update skin files for your appropriate skin immediately. Additionally it is required to re-enter your weather image web and/or local locations.
    • At last weekend I'll try to fix the sunrise/sunset calculation routines for locations with "Eastern Daylight Time" and "Pacific Daylight Time" timezone settings. The problems can be reproduced, but fails after codes changes in other regions. Because of this I decide to postpone this issue, a manual workaround can fix the problem (see chapter 11.4).
    Finally let me say thank you to all contributors, skinners, translators and community members for your support, requests, reports and suggestions.

    Cheers, Micropolis


    Portal Member
    March 24, 2009
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Hi weather freaks,
    here are the reworked xmls for all Default and PVHD skins (including 4x3) :D
    • Replaced old properties with new ones
    • Button order now equals image order as defined in Config, e.g. first image button shows first image (image 0), second image button shows second image (image 1) and so on. This way you can define your preferred image order.
    • Button labels now show the description entered in Config for the respective image. This way you can name the satellite images to your personal preference. (see screenshot for an example of how I named my satellite images)
    • Re-added location button in image view to enable changing the location w/o going back to main page
    View attachment 100950

    Pls try it out and have fun!
    Again big THX to Micropolis for his incredible work! WorldWeather rocks :D :D :D

    I can´t see any Images in the Satelite section with this SkinFiles (PureVisionHD WorldWeather 0.5.0 final). I even tried the Original WorldWeather.xml.



    MP Donator
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  • September 24, 2011
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    Germany Germany

    have you set the correct settings for you weather images inside the configuration? If you copy the address of the images into the webbrowser, can you see the images there?


    Portal Member
    March 24, 2009
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    in the browser the links are succesfull. Even with the original WorldWeather.xml the Images were not shown. I tested all views, but I have no succes. Skin cache is emty. Would it be a helpful if i post any files (Logs or xml)?

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