WorldWeather plugin v1.10.0 for MediaPortal 1.3.0 and higher (9 Viewers)


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  • July 27, 2007
    Yorkshire, UK
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    England England
    Also I must wondering about insults about my work
    And at which point was my post 'insulting'
    This plugin support WorldWeatherOnline,, Yahoo and Yr.No
    WorldWeatherOnline requires an API key, Yahoo only gives 2 days forecast and I get constant errors from Yr.No (no I won't bother to post logs...)

    Although I do appreciate the effort that goes in to writing these little marvels; people have legitimate comments...
    I guess someone was having a bad day!

    @dennsy - Thanks for a great offer :)
    Most welcome!
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    Portal Pro
    July 22, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    Dear SpudR,
    ... And at which point was my post 'insulting' ...
    Why do you feel addressed? I doesn't blame other community members, the appropriate post is my secret.
    ... WorldWeatherOnline requires an API key, Yahoo only gives 2 days forecast and I get constant errors from Yr.No
    WorldWeather requires a free API key, you can register as "Anonymous". The errors for Yr.No can be solved very simple by entering longitude/latitude values (see manual).

    Cheers, Micropolis
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    Retired Team Member
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  • July 27, 2007
    Yorkshire, UK
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    The errors for Yr.No can be solved very simple by entering longitude/latitude values (see manual).
    Read that - did that - no joy :(
    Testing with

    Errors with, Yr.No...
    The only provider working for me is Yahoo
    I'll wait for an update... :)
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    Super Moderator
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  • April 21, 2010
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    I really can understand @Micropolis here about loosing motivation. Everybody is yelling about problems but either without proper logs or most people really could solve their simple issues by reading the manual or posts in this thread.
    I use this plugin from the beginning and never had any issues with displaying weather. (only when the provider itself was down)

    The manual attached to the first post got 28 pages up to now so everything is explained there. I understand it is some work to set up this plugin for the first time. But after you have done it you don't have to care much. It just works.. (for me at least).

    Thank you very much for your offer. Hopefully Micropolis will come back to you in the near future! :)
    PS: You don't have any C# knowledge and wanna help us to get our build-in weather back alive? ;)
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    Retired Team Member
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  • July 27, 2007
    Yorkshire, UK
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    England England
    @Holzi such a bully ;) - I'll wait; there will be an update soon (Micropolis has a 0.61 version build), once that is available I'll test properly.
    Thanks both for helping though - much appreciated :D
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    Super Moderator
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  • April 21, 2010
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    Germany Germany
    IF there are errors we should solve it. But we can not without proper reports.
    I don't think your errors are gone in the next version if Micropolis is not aware of them.
    Thank you! :)


    MP Donator
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  • June 11, 2007
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    I had probs with wetter but I went on the website, found my town and took the code out of the URL. Then put that code in both citycode and postcode, then it worked. For some reason it needs the citycode value in postcode field. Maybe you have same problem as me..

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